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Tooltip appears differently in Acrobat 7 vs. Acrobat 9


Level 2

I created tooltips for my form fields in Acrobat 9 (Livecycle Designer 8.2) and they appeared as nice boxes of text on mouse over.  When my user pulled up the form in Acrobat 7 the tooltip was all in one line across the screen.  Any ideas on how to solve this (other than have the user upgrade)?


2 Replies


Former Community Member

It may have no affect, but what "Target Version" is the form set to?  From Designer, select File > Form Properties > Defaults (tab).  If it is set to 8.1 or later, or 9 or later, try the 7.05 or later setting as a test.



Level 2

Steve -  thank you for your post.  I tried it, and alas, it did not help.  Sounds like the best bet is to get our users to upgrade to at least Acrobat 8!
