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The MessagePerformanceUtils:totalTime issue in Flex 4 (rpc.swc) using LCDS 3.1 running under JDK1.6


Level 1

We are facing an issue while using LCDS 3.1 running under JDK1.6 in Sun Solaris v5.10 OS & Adobe Flex 4.

Scenario :-


As part of our Flex-based client-server application (with Java backend) we have a performance report generation module. Following flex framework class is used to calculate the performance of various layer of a typical server-based request-response cycle.

; (available in rpc.swc library file)

(for example : server time, cairngorm time, UI screen rendering time, UI event generation time etc).

The totalTime was working properly before upgrading the rpc.swc to Flex 4 ; However it broke after migrating to Flex SDK 4; The totalTime is now coming as negative junk value.

As we understand that the above Flex framework class method works in conjunction with LCDS running at server side on JDK.

We suspect that the new rpc.swc taken from Flex SDK 4 is causing the issue !

System information :

Web Server : Weblogic 11G

Operating System : Sun Solaris v5.10 OS running on Sparc hardware.

Flex : Adobe Flex sdk 4.0

Flash player : Adobe Flash Player 10

Browser : Internet Explorer 8

LCDS : 3.1

JDK : JDK 1.6.0_14


Has anyone faced similar problem before ? Any help or direction would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils :totalTime

2 Replies



Nothing has changed in the Flex SDK sources for this class since sometime around 2008. Are you running against the same LCDS server as you were before you updated to Flex 4?  This certainly seems strange (and bad).  Do you see the same behavior with Flex 4.5?  What was the version of Flex you were using before switching to Flex 4.0?

If you can provide the additional information, we will look in to this.  A reproducable case that was a simple mxml application along with a simple destination config would help us narrow the problem.

Sorry for the problems!




Good news!  There is a fix for this issue already available.

You can get it through Adobe support for LCDS 3.1. Ask for hotfix #293057.  Actually, I would ask for all the fixes. :-)  We plan on trying to create a cumulative hotfix for 3.1 before the end of the year, which will make this easier.

It is also fixed in the Flex 4.5 release, if you can update to using that.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
