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text/html processing error with Acrobat Reader when sending to database


Level 1

Hi everyone,

I have a problem that occurs in certain versions of the Acrobat Reader, with Acrobat Professional the error message does not pop up.

In Acrobat Reader however, when sending the form to a php file to fill a database an error pops up

"Content type text/html couldn´t be processed"

Nevertheless it works fine, except the fact that the confirmation "successfully sent" that should pop up (and does in Acrobat Professional)  does not appear due to this processing error. What can I do?

Thanks for supporting!

6 Replies


Level 10


Unless the form has been Reader Enabled in LC Reader Extnesions beforehand, then users with Reader can not take part in data connections. There is a summary (and PDF) here: http://assure.ly/etkFNU

Reader Enabling the form in Acrobat will not give adequate functionality.

Is your form Reader Enabled? And if so, how was it enabled?

Hope that helps,



Former Community Member

The issue is that Reader can not deal with a mime type of HTML. The submission works but when you return HTML the Reader is warning you that it does not know what to do with the inbound information. If you send back a PDF file with a mime type of application/PDF then it will be displayed in both Reader and Acrobat.

Hope that helps



Level 1

OK. I think that´s it.

However, I do not know how to  send back a pdf file with mime type application/PDF.

I already tried to create a PDF file on the fly via PHP, but the error message still pops up.

I am not sure whether I have to change the PHP file that processes the form data or whether I have to made changes in Lifecycle...

Thanks for the support


Former Community Member

I do not know PHP but it shoudl be no different than sending back an HTML response. You can create a PDF file with text in it that says "Thank you for your submission" and save it to your server. Now have your program read the file and stream it back to the browser setting a mime type of application/pdf instead of what ever the mime type is for html.



Level 2

We are also getting this issue.  Is there some way to know if the PDF is open in the browser or Reader and to send that indicator to the submission page?  From there we could possibly respond with a PDF generated by ColdFusion <cfdocument> or <cfpdf> or set the mime type of the page.  On our submission page we give them a link know to retreive the form filled in with their information if they forgot to save a copy before submitting.


Level 10


I'll only attempt the first part:

See this discussion where event.target.path.toString().substring(0, 4); was used to get the first four letters of the path. If that equalled "http", then the form was opened in a browser.


I can't contribute on the other issues.
