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Text Field over Text in Table Cell


Level 2

When I drag a new text field to a table cell that contains text the field automatically fills the cell and overwrites the text.  Can I put a field over the text in a specific position and how do I do it?  (See Screen shot)

text field within table cell.jpg

3 Replies


Level 10


Try dragging a subform control to the cell first, then drag the fields to the subform. 

You don't then get the fields resizing to fit the cell, so should be able to acheive the effect you are after.




Level 2

Thank you for the idea bruce.  I did try that and tried it again just now.  I've attached a screenshot of the result.  It fills the cell and gives me a blue outline with no resizing nodes.  I must be missing something on how to resize the subform.  Any more ideas?

dragging subform to table cell.jpg


Level 10

If you put a subform into a cell it will automatically get rezised to the current cell size.

Try to arrage a positioned subform outside the table that contains your textfields.

Then drag this subform into the desired table cell.