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Tab order changes after adding script


Level 7

If you set the tab order on a form and then go back and add a script to one of the fields, the tab order changes. Does anyone know why this happens? It's not a huge problem but it is inconvenient.

12 Replies


Former Community Member

Just tried it here and I do not get that problem. Can you post your form and indicate what steps need to be taken to duplicate?



Level 7

Sure, here's the form I just worked on. I've had this issue with every form I've ever worked on though, it's not a one time thing. I set the tab order using View >> Tab Order and then went back to put in a script to make two checkboxes mutually exclusive and it changed the tab order.


Former Community Member

How did you make the checkboxes mutually exclusive .....by making then radioButtons and putting them in a group or did you add code to the Radio buttons to have the user only select one?



Level 7

I put a script on the checkboxes.

if (this.rawValue == 1){

     that.rawValue = 0;



Former Community Member

Just tried it here and the tab order did not change ......I am using Designer 8.2.1 and Acrobat 9.2.



Level 7

I'm on Designer 8.1.1 and Acrobat 8.2.0, is this problem restricted to these earlier versions?


Former Community Member

I do not know ....I have never heard of scripting affecting the tab order unless it is explicitly done so in the script.



Level 7

Having worked with Designer from version 6 through version 8.1 I can tell you that it does indeed happen. I'm working on a pc using 64-bit win XP. Do you have any advice on what could be causing this or how I might be able to straighten it out?


Former Community Member

I also have been using it since before version 6 and I have never seen this issue. I suggest that you open an incident with support

and get it looked at because adding script shoudl not affect the tabbing order in a form (unless the changes affect the hierarchy of the form or the script affects the tabbing order directly).



Level 7

What OS are you working off of? I can put together a clean install on a test machine tomorrow and see if it goes away. If it's just something goofy with my pc I can wipe it and start fresh.


Former Community Member

I am currently on a Win7 64 bit machine, but I have used XP, 2003 server, and just about every version of Windows out there.



Level 7

Ok, I'll try it on a fresh install on a test machine, if the issue persists I'll put in an incident report. Thanks Paul.