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Subtotal Row in Table.


Level 1


I am trying to develop a form using Adobe LiveCycle Designer. In my form i have a table which has two columns Amount and Currency. I have to introduce a subtotal line whenever the currency changes. Something similar to:

Line Item Amount Currency

1 100 USD

2 200 USD

300 USD

3 100 EUR

4 200 EUR

300 EUR

Please do give suggestion how this can be achieved.

Thanks & Regards


3 Replies


Level 10

This isn't an easy task.

Where do the data come from in your form?

Does the user enter the amounds and currencies or is the date imported?


Level 1

Hi Radzmar,

Thanks for your reply.

Data in my form comes from SAP ByDesign system.

I create table fields and do binding with SAP system. Let me put my exact scenario:

I need to degin a invoice form, Invoices are entered in SAP ByDesign system and data looks as below.

Product Type     Product     Qty     Price

X                      ABC1          1          100

X                      ABC2          1          200

Y                      PQR1          1          50    

Y                      PQR2          1          100

Y                      PQR3          1          100

X                       ABC3          1          50

The output table should look like

Prodcut Type          Product          Qty          Price

X                            ABC1              1              100

                              ABC2              1              200

                              ABC3              1                50

                         SUB TOTAL                         350

Y                             PQR1              1               50

                               PQR2              1              100

                               PQR3              1              100

                         SUB TOTAL                         250

                           GRAND TOTAL                600.

I tried to do this using nested tables but got stumped as my bindings fails totaly.

Any Idea on this will be really helpful.





Level 10

Well, I don't work with SAP so I have no idea how it populates data it real, but as Designers works with XML it should be XML-Data as well.

In this case you'll need XSLT to transform your data already during import.

Therefore you need to create a data connection to a sample XML or XML scheme where you also set your XSTL file to Transform Incoming Data.

Can you provide some sample data?