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Subforms not working correctly


Level 2

I ran into a issue where I can not get my subforms to work correctly. Created placeholder, created two sub forms with only one text box in each. Set both subforms to invisable, then set y axis to match placeholder subform. Used action builders to show one sub form when radio button is clicked. set placeholder and other subform to invisable. Went to preview clicked radio button. Nothing appeared. I am clueless as to what is wrong. Have done this before without issue.


3 Replies


Former Community Member

Did you save the form as a dynamic PDF? Are you getting any errors appearing in the javascript console?



Level 2

It was saved as a Static, when I did the save as Dynamic it would not allow me to say ok on the action builder. I could set the if then but I could not say ok. And no there was no javascript errors on the console.

I am going to try just that action on a new form and see if I can get it to work. If you have any other ideas throw them at me. Right now I am stuck in the big mud bog of LiveCycleDesigner.


Level 2

That worked by just starting a new form I could get the subform function to work. The orginal form I was working on was static and I guess saving it as dynamic XML does not change it. Or at least it seems to not have. Good news I was not that far into it. Easy rebuild on the form that is not accepting the subform commands.

Just wish I knew what I had done to create the issue and how to correct it if I do it again. Dang ghost in the machine.

Thanks for your assistance.