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Screensharing in AIR / acaddin does not install


Level 2

We try to start a screensharing session inside an AIR application but the issue is that the acaddin does not install automatically (contrary to what happens when you start screenshring session from a SWF running in the browser), so the screensharing only works for people who previously installed the acaddin on their system.

The current workaround is guide the user to a SWF that requests screen sharing to install the acaddin, then afterwards have them go back to the AIR application and start over again... not very user friendly.

Is this a known issue? I now it probably relates more to how the Flash Player inside AIR handles such things but nevertheless I wanted you to know about this.

Btw, I treid to manually force to install the acaddin by using

var mgr:ProductManager = new ProductManager("acaddin");

this lets me check is the acaddin is installed (mgr.installed returns false if not), but I have no idea how to start the installation of the addin...


5 Replies


Level 1

I have the same question/problem!?

Can we use ScreenSharePublisher in AIR? Some docs say yes, but as above acaddin install does not start..

..and why nobody answers this question!?




Please do check this thread - http://forums.adobe.com/message/3140210#3140210

As you might  have guessed the Addin is not being launched due to AIR's security settings. We are still looking into this issue.

One work around is to use Html & HtmlLoader. So generate a release quality Screenshare swf and export it in your AIR app. I know its very messy and undesirable. But just for the time being if you want to keep things moving you can try the above approach.


protected function htmlLoader_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void

                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("ScreenSharePublisherExample.swf");
                    if (file.exists) {
                         var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(file.url);
                         htmlLoader.htmlLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS, onError);
                         htmlLoader.htmlLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onError);

Again please use a release version of the ScreenSharePublisherExample swf as the debug version fails to launch.




Level 2

Hi Arun,

thanks - so that's the only workaround at this time? No way to use the ProductManager for it?

Any estimates on when it will be fixed? 2.6? 2.7?



Level 3

Am also waiting on this fix, plus other issues on 64-bit Windows reported by me and others...

Arun...can you tell us if this is being fixed/investigated?





Hi David,

The 64 bit Win7 pop-up issue has been one of our top priorities, and we are actively looking into it.

