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Roster List users got deselected again and again.


Former Community Member

Hello Experts,

i have the following custom code to bind a <mx:List > control with the list of users currently logged in to the chatroom.

private function BindOnlineUsers():void              






                    userArray = cSession.userManager.userCollection;                                    





                              //userArray.removeItemAt(0);//remove Host normally we have only one host

                              var totalUsers:Number=userArray.length;

                              var Users:Array=new Array();

                              var UserRole:int=50;


                              for( var i:uint=0; i < totalUsers ; i++)


                                        if((userArray.getItemAt(i) as UserDescriptor).userID != myUserId && ((userArray.getItemAt(i) as UserDescriptor).role) != UserRoles.OWNER )


                                                  var userObject:Object=new Object();                    

                                                  userObject={userID:(userArray.getItemAt(i) as UserDescriptor).userID, displayName:UserDescriptor(userArray.getItemAt(i)).displayName};






                              lstOnlineUsers.dataProvider = Users;

                              lstOnlineUsers.labelField = "displayName";





To synchronize with the service i have called a function "initializechatconsole" on creationcomplete event of session container as shown below:

  <rtc:ConnectSessionContainer roomURL="{roomURL}" autoLogin="false" creationComplete="InitializeChatConsole();" authenticator="{auth}" id="cSession"  width="100%" height="100%" > 

in this function i have the code as shown below.see the line marked in red

private function InitializeChatConsole():void




                   m_chatModel.sharedID = "myChat";


                    m_chatModel.addEventListener(ChatEvent.HISTORY_CHANGE, onHistoryChange);




                    chatOutput.verticalScrollPosition = chatOutput.maxVerticalScrollPosition;                   





                Alert.show("Error: " + e.message,"Error",Alert.OK);


Now the ondatachange function has the following code as given below.

protected function onDataChange(p_evt:CollectionEvent):void





                                   case CollectionEventKind.ADD:              




                                   case CollectionEventKind.REMOVE:




                                   case CollectionEventKind.UPDATE:                             





the functionality of whole code is whenever a new user enters the room the usercollection changes and thus to display the new user in already logged in users RosterList i have to rebind it again.

now my proble is that whenever a new user enters the Roster list refreshes and if the user has selected any users go deselected automatically as the list rebinds again.

as i am new to flex development so please suggest me the best way to sort out this problem



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