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Roles and screensharing problems


Level 2


i have some questions about Roles and ScreenSharing.

Im building an app that authenticate users in the server side with java. When i authenticate a user as a Publisher or Owner, everything works fine. Users can publish whatever they want. But when i authenticate a user as a Viewer and change (at runtime)  his role to Publisher or Owner i can't publish my screen. The Addin app launch on Windows, it appear on the task bar but nothing happens. It just stays there.

The code im using to authenticate is this:

public String authenticateAsGuest(final myId, final String name, final UsersRole role, String room)

          final Session session = accountManager.getSession( room );
       final String userId = session.getUserID(myId);
       return session.getAuthenticationToken( LCCSCredentials.accessKey(), name, userId, role);
     catch (Exception e)
     throw new Exception("It's not possible to authenticate in LCCS", e);

And this is the code im using the change user roles:

public void setUserRole(final String roomName, final String lccsUserId, final UserRole role)
          accountManager.setUserRole(roomName, lccsUserId, role);
     catch(Exception e)
     throw new Exception("It was not possible to change user role", e.getCause());

So guys, Am i doing something wrong or there is a lccs limitation related to changing user roles?



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