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Retrieving protocol and connection address in runtime


Level 2


Im trying to Debug p2p video application in browser and I noticed some problems when using different rooms in my application.

I need to figure out the actual protocol and node connection in order to identify the problem, the thing is that its only available in trace

while testing in IDE.

Is there additional way to know the fms node name and protocol after actual connection.

Best Regards,

Gadi Srebnik

2 Replies



With the latest SDK you can override the debug trace function and have the messages go, for example, in a textarea in your app.

Look at com.adobe.rtc.util.DebugUtil.traceFunction.

Otherwise you can dig in the ConnectSession object and get the underlying NetConnection object.


Level 2

Im using Flash CS4 FP10 so its a little problematic to use SDK source, however I manage to do that by extending WebcamPublisher and get its connection.