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resetAllStreams for video?


Level 2


Can we reset video streams as we can do with audio streams? Sometimes, when someone disconnects, I still have his video stream displayed and freezed in my WebCamera component. I have to wait a couple of minutes before it detects the user is gone and delete the stream. Is there a way we can manually trigger a clean of those streams?



7 Replies




Right now there are not API's to do that. But resetting all streams would be an expensive operation.

Are you using the standard WebCamera Pod or your custom WebCamera component. Because we havent faced any issue about frozen user video stream being stuck when the user leaves.

When you mention a user disconnects, does he logout of the room or is the user disconnected from the room due to connectivity issues at his end.




Level 2


We're using the standard WebCamera Pod. It  happens sometimes when we close the browser directly, especially when  debugging. It has also happened when someone has tried to start his  camera ("Start my camera" button) before the camera was actually  connected (USB).

Any advice?




Level 4


We have also experienced freezing of video streams. I suspect part of the problem is CPU usage on older machines.

We have a talk show type layout where users videos can "switch" from one webcam subscriber to another (larger or smaller)

The freeze usualy happens when people or being taken off.

Im also gusessing switching is an expensive process as well.

We are setting the publisherIDs of each webcam subscriber to only the users in the room whom they should be paying attention to.

Then when a switch happens. reseting the IDs to null and setting them back with new IDs

Does this sound like the right way to go? and how exactly does resetAllStreams work.?




Former Community Member

Could I suggest that instead of stopping and starting netstreams (as you're

doing when you change publisherIDs), maybe try just moving and resizing

existing webcamsubscribers? It definitely is expensive to stop and start

streams - you're essentially throwing away the old buffer of streamed data

that you had, and starting video rendering over again from scratch.



Level 4

Interesting! thats why I like it here LOL

So instead of chaning the publisher ID's per subscriber. change the X,Y of the subscriber and resize the video depending on importance.

Can I just get a "comming soon" for stage video so it wont suck so much on the macs

Im gonna get more coffee and think about this.




Former Community Member

Also, do make sure you're using a new swc ( if you're reassigning

lots of publisherIDs - Basu fixed a few performance issues a few months back

in this area (which were more our fault than just video perfomance). The

build # should be the first traceout as you debug any app in FlashBuilder.



Level 4

Thanks fo the heads up.

So over time we will be chaning people that are on, and our tests show that assining a new person to a webcamSubscriber does increase memory over time.

Would it make sense to null out the subscriber and reassign and ID or just assign the ID without setting it to null first?

So instead of contantly reassining who is  on camera 1 2 or 3. i just asign who is in camera 1 and then change size and poisition as needed.

