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Query multiple rows


Former Community Member

Hi, need some help on XML and XSD.

say I have a table in the database with 3 columns: a, b, c

on my XDP form, I have a table, like a spreadsheet, with 3 columns too: x, y, z

and it has 10 rows.

I want to pre-fill the form with 10 rows of data,

so, in my Process's action profile,

I use JDBC's query multiple rows to get the first 10 records of my database table.

how do I put these 10 rows of data into the table on my form?

TIA for helping me.

Happy New Year!

5 Replies


Level 10

Step1: Use SQL Query Multiple results as XML activity

Step2: Define the output of SQL activity to look similar to


    <row>row1 value</row>

    <row>row2 value</row>

    <row>row3 value</row>

    <row>row4 value</row>

    <row>row5 value</row>

    <row>row6 value</row>

    <row>row7 value</row>

    <row>row8 value</row>

    <row>row9 value</row>

    <row>row10 value</row>


Step3: arrange your forms fields (Table and rows) in the same way as mentioned above.



Level 10

forgot to mention step4: add a setvalue activity and assign the result to form data.



Former Community Member

Thank you for the response.  sorry that I am quite new to all these.  please pardon my stupidity, but could you (or anyone else) please post a sample form/process/xsd that does this type of thing, when you have some free time?   it would be easier for me to model after the sample.


Level 10

let me know your database server (Sql Server or Mysql?). I will try to make a sample process for you.



Former Community Member

thank you sooo much!

my server is the trial version, turnkey install.  MySQL, JBoss, Windows.

my email is  ditto9888@gmail.com

thanks and Happy New Year!