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Problem with screensharing share screen pop up does not show up


Level 2


We tried to run a demo using code provided in the documentation by RIAweek in Ottawa. We essentially did 2 simple MXML apps a Publisher and a Subscriber. Everything was running fine locally, the second we uploaded the example on a web server the share screen addin kicks in but the actual window prompting to display your desktop or app does not show anymore.

We tried running back the same example again locally as we did previously same deal you see the addin app but no share window at all. We rebooted, our machines same deal. Tried different browser like Firefox but nothing seems to work.

I askek someone to run this on windows machine and it works a couple of time but at some point the addin just stops working, same problem we have, they see the addin running but they dotn get actual smaller window to select what to share.

We are running on mac os x latest version, mac book pros but the problem seems consistent in windows as well.

Any ideas?


52 Replies



Hi LA,

I tested ScreenSharing on my Mac, and things do seem to work with Addin.

Can you share more details such as, Flash Player Version, SDK Version and if possible code too.

There are many fixes and optimizations that are continuously added to the SDK. An updated SDK might resolve your issue.




Level 2

Hi Arum,

Sure thank you for the help.

Ok so my machine is a Mac Book Pro 2.4 Ghz running Mac OSX Version 10.6.6. My Flash Player Version is: 10,2,161,23 on  Safari Version Version 5.0.3 (6533.19.4)

I masked the room and the password, as is a public forum. The weird thing is that this morning I tried running this locally again and it worked once then we go back to the original problem. You can see the Addin App running the screen flashes quickly but the actual view where you select what to share never shows up.

Any ideas?

This is PublisherDemo.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"





   width="1024" height="768">



import mx.events.FlexEvent;

import org.osmf.metadata.IFacet;

protected function startScrShare_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


startScrShare.enabled = false;

stopScrShare.enabled = true;



protected function stopScrShare_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


stopScrShare.enabled = false;

startScrShare.enabled = true;



protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void


stopScrShare.enabled = false;





<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->


<rtc:ConnectSessionContainer roomURL="https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/xxxxxx/screensharing" width="100%" height="100%">


<rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator userName="info@lordalexworks.com" password="XXXXXXX" />


<rtc:ScreenShareSubscriber width="100%" height="100%"

   top="32.55" left="27.3"

   showMyStream="false" right="32.700012" bottom="94.45001"/>

<rtc:ScreenSharePublisher id="screenPub" quality="80" fps="24" />

<s:Button x="27.6"


  label="Start Screen Sharing"



<s:Button x="170.7"


  label="Stop Screen Sharing"





And this is SubscriberDemo.mxml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"




   width="1024" height="768">


<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->


<rtc:ConnectSessionContainer roomURL="https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/xxxxx/screensharing" width="100%" height="100%">


<rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator userName="info@lordalexworks.com" password="XXXXXX" />


<rtc:ScreenShareSubscriber width="100%" height="100%"

   top="32.55" left="27.3"

   showMyStream="false" right="32.700012" bottom="94.45001"/>





Hi LA,

I tried your publisher code, and it seems to work for me with a minor modification. I tested your code on my machine that is very similar to yours. (Flash player version 10,1,102,64 debugger player, Mac OS 10.5.8, LCCS SDK Version : 1.3.5, Safari)

I moved the creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)" from the application tag to the connectSessionContatiner tag as it was throwing null value exception, and the code seemed to work fine for me. Can you run the new code and see if it fixes your issue.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                  width="1024" height="768">
               import mx.events.FlexEvent;
               import org.osmf.metadata.IFacet;
               protected function startScrShare_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    startScrShare.enabled = false;
                    stopScrShare.enabled = true;
               protected function stopScrShare_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                    stopScrShare.enabled = false;
                    startScrShare.enabled = true;
               protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    stopScrShare.enabled = false;
          <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
     <rtc:ConnectSessionContainer roomURL="http://connectnow.acrobat.com/xxxxx/sdkexamples" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler(event)">
               <rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator userName="info@lordalexworks.com"/>
          <rtc:ScreenShareSubscriber width="100%" height="100%"
                                           top="32.55" left="27.3"
                                           showMyStream="false" right="32.700012" bottom="94.45001"/>
          <rtc:ScreenSharePublisher id="screenPub" quality="80" fps="24" />
          <s:Button x="27.6"
                      label="Start Screen Sharing"
          <s:Button x="170.7"
                      label="Stop Screen Sharing"




Level 2

No, still the problem persist.

it is very rare. I see the screen share icon appear but instead of getting the modal window to share like in connect, it just flashes as it it want to launch but it actually does not show up.



Level 2

I wanted to add something else, I tried running again locally and I saw the flash appear when launching the modal window to select what to share, but this time it actually showed for 2 seconds and then it disappeared.



I am running out of ideas too. We have had complaints about the Addin on Win 64 machines, but not on macs. Can you confirm the SDK version you are using?

If you are debugging you app from the Flash/Flex builder, then you might find the SDK version in the first few lines of console log. (Or from the release notes of the SDK)




Level 2


I am having the exact same issue but on Windows 7 x64 and windows 2008 server x64.

What is the fix? Any work around? How can I run this add-in in 32 bit mode?

Here is my thread:




Can you send us the addin logs and possibly the player logs ? Julien posted the instruction on the forum.

(the player logs require the FlashPlayer debug version so you don't have it already you can start by sending the addin logs)


Level 2

Looking in the forum on how to get the logs form the acaddin, meanwhile do you have a direct link to the instructions?

Thank you.



Level 2

I have noticed the same problem specifically on Windows 7 (64-bit).

Here is what I am getting.

The initial load for screenshare publisher start action results in user

seeing the pop-up with choices on what to share. (This pop-up does

take a few seconds before it displays after clicking on "Start" - Why?)

If I cancel and click on start again, the pop-up window no longer displays...

Well, it is there but it's 'hidden'. It's in the OS taskbar area. Clicking that

window shows me the options.

Question for Adobe. Is there a better way to handle these start, pause, cancel

events and stages in between them from a UX perspective and if so, are there

fixes in the coming released that will address them?


Level 2

I am on x64 windows 7 premium.

This is what I did to get this log file so you can reproduce on your system:

1) http://www.flashrealtime.com/screen-sharing-in-flash-now-available/ , click on publisher then click start, add-in windows shows in the bottom bar in windows but I can not open it to select what I want to share

2) http://www.flashrealtime.com/screen-sharing-in-flash-now-available/ click on subscriber and wait, nothing shows here

Let me know if you need any help. We can do webex or something.


#Version: 1.0

#Start-Date:  2011-02-03 18:03:10 (utc)

#Software: Adobe Systems Inc. acaddin 9,2,143,0

#Location: C:\Users\amiel navarro\Documents\acaddin-2011-02-03-18-03-10.log

#Fields: time x-milliseconds x-source x-comment

18:03:10 84813679 Player Core Player constructor

18:03:10 84813680 Player Core Player constructor complete

18:03:10 84813687 Player FreeBuffer

18:03:10 84813688 Player PushDataBuf scriptLen: 3925

18:03:10 84813689 Player FreeBuffer

18:03:10 84813689 Player PushDataComplete - first frame loaded

18:03:10 84813689 Player Begin InitGlobalObject for file:///C|/Users/amiel%20navarro/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash%20Player/www.macromedia.com/bin/acaddin/acaddin.exe

18:03:10 84813695 Player SetCapabilitiesString: A=t&SA=t&SV=t&EV=t&MP3=t&AE=t&VE=t&ACC=f&PR=t&SP=t&SB=t&DEB=f&V=WIN%209%2C2%2C143%2C0&M=Adobe%20Windows&R=1366x768&DP=72&COL=color&AR=1.0&OS=Windows%20Vista&L=en&IME=t&PT=StandAlone&AVD=f&LFD=f&WD=f&TLS=t

18:03:10 84813696 Player PushDataBuf scriptLen: 40665

18:03:10 84813704 Player End InitGlobalObject

18:03:10 84813705 Player LocalConnections cleaned up:  0 bad names removed

18:03:10 84813705 Player SetDataComplete(true) scriptLen: 3925, len: 3925  for file:///C|/Users/amiel%20navarro/AppData/Roaming/Macromedia/Flash%20Player/www.macromedia.com/bin/acaddin/acaddin.exe

18:03:10 84813721 Player DoSingleURLRequest to FSCommand:setWindowTitle, target is Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro

18:03:10 84813721 Player GetURL() 'FSCommand:setWindowTitle'

18:03:10 84813721 Player [Security] FSCommand permitted: FSCommand:setWindowTitle

18:03:10 84813722 Player GetURL() has NULL cmd string

18:03:10 84813722 Player DoSingleURLRequest to FSCommand:showmenu, target is false

18:03:10 84813722 Player GetURL() 'FSCommand:showmenu'

18:03:10 84813722 Player [Security] FSCommand permitted: FSCommand:showmenu

18:03:10 84813722 Player PlatformFSCommand handled it

18:03:10 84813841 Player MovieClipLoaderDispatchProc()

18:03:10 84813841 Player Constructing MovieClipLoader object.

18:03:10 84813841 Player MovieClipLoaderDispatchProc()

18:03:10 84813841 Player MovieClipLoader.loadClip called

18:03:10 84813897 Player DoSingleURLRequest to https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf, target is _level0

18:03:10 84813897 Player GetURL() 'https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf'

18:03:10 84813897 Player LoadMovie https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf

18:03:10 84813897 Player LoadFile https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf

18:03:10 84813897 Player PlatformURLStream Constructor, this = 2669020

18:03:10 84813897 Player RequestUrl 'https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf', this = 2669020

18:03:12 84815064 Player PlatformUrlStream Final URL async=1 'https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf', this = 2669020

18:03:12 84815065 Player MSG_SET_HTTP_STATUS async=1 status=200

18:03:12 84815065 Player StreamSetContentLength (success, length:75868) for https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf

18:03:12 84815065 Player StreamClose for https://collaboration.adobelivecycle.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf

18:03:12 84815072 Player PushDataBuf scriptLen: 156443

18:03:12 84815099 Player FreeBuffer

18:03:12 84815108 Player PushDataComplete - first frame loaded

18:03:12 84815109 Player LocalConnections cleaned up:  0 bad names removed

18:03:12 84815109 Trace #SCREENSHARESHELL# adobe screenshare shell version: 1.1.0

18:03:12 84815109 Player TRACE: #SCREENSHARESHELL# adobe screenshare shell version: 1.1.0

18:03:12 84815109 Trace #SCREENSHARESHELL# Creating localConnection now...

18:03:12 84815109 Player TRACE: #SCREENSHARESHELL# Creating localConnection now...

18:03:12 84815110 Trace #SCREENSHARESHELL# Sending handshake localConnection message to sender

18:03:12 84815110 Player TRACE: #SCREENSHARESHELL# Sending handshake localConnection message to sender

18:03:12 84815111 Player FreeBuffer

18:03:12 84815112 Trace #SCREENSHARESHELL# onResize

18:03:12 84815112 Player TRACE: #SCREENSHARESHELL# onResize

18:03:12 84815112 Player SetDataComplete(true) scriptLen: 156443, len: 156443  for https://na2.connectnow.acrobat.com/static/screenshare/screenshareshell_player9_sgn.swf

18:03:12 84815125 Player PlatformURLStream Destructor, this = 2669020

18:03:43 84846438 Player FreeBuffer

18:04:35 84898996 Player FreeBuffer



Level 1

I have the same problem in window XP. There is invisible pop-up window which i can see at XP task-bar, but i dont see it on the screen. When click on the window icon on task bar to open it, i see it's opening flash but nothing visible. Basicaly I see a invisible pop-up window.

I use 4.1 SDK, 10.1 player, windows xp


Level 2

Hi guys,

so im having the same trouble of  yours.

Im running lccs version 1.3.7 on windows 7 64 bits and the problem of the popup dialog continues.

Do you guys find any solutions to this problem?


Level 2

I did some more test on Mac OSX yesterday, specifically Screen Share (Connect add-in). What I noticed is that Firefox works perfectly fine but Safari doesn't work at all in a subscriber mode. I used the standard SDK scripts. The publisher view showed me the sessionID just fine in Firefox but it didn't in Safari. Hence,

no screenshare publisher. Subscriber works fine on both browsers.

Is there something happening under Safari that would precent the publisher from making a connection with LCCS in subscriber mode?



Again, we tried and we can't reproduce the problem. Can you send us more info ?

What version of Firefox, Safari, FlashPlayer, OS. Also, please send us the addin logs and possibly the flash player logs (see post in the forum for instructions)

Also, can you give us more info on how you start screensharing (i.e. in the session synchronization change event, when you press a button, etc.)


Level 2

Hi guys,

i think we are having troubles with the way we are configuring the lccs screen share feature.

I'm doing some tests with lccs and in one of this tests i managed to get screensharing working, but, once a client starting screen sharing another client, with same role, can't do the same.

I started debugging and realized that when a client start screen sharing all of my ScreenSharePublisher.isPublish in all my clients are true. I just don't get why, once i just published my screen in one client.

Im using Windows 64, flash player 10.1, Google Chrome 9.0 and Firefox 3.6.13.

Here is the code im using in tests:

//Im using Swiz framework, to inject the connections. It is connected and working well.


public function postConstruction():void


     this.screenShareSubscriber.connectSession = this.connectSession;

     this.screenSharePublisher.connectSession = this.connectSession;                   


//This is the handler for the Button Start Screen Share click event

protected function btnShareScreen_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
     if ( screenSharePublisher != null && (!screenShareSubscriber.someoneElseIsPreparingToShare || !screenShareSubscriber.someoneElseIsSharing) )
     this.screenSharePublisher.addEventListener( StreamEvent.STREAM_RECEIVE, onStreamReceived );
     this.screenSharePublisher.addEventListener( StreamEvent.STREAM_DELETE, deleted)

//This is the handler for the Button Stop Screen Share click event

protected function btnStopSharingScreen_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
     if ( screenSharePublisher != null && screenSharePublisher.isPublishing )

private function onStreamReceived(event:StreamEvent):void
     var publisherDescriptor:UserDescriptor = null;
     if(event.streamDescriptor.originalScreenPublisher != null)
          publisherDescriptor = this.connectSession.userManager.getUserDescriptor(event.streamDescriptor.originalScreenPublisher);

          publisherDescriptor = this.connectSession.userManager.getUserDescriptor(event.streamDescriptor.streamPublisherID);

     var myDescriptor:UserDescriptor = this.connectSession.userManager.getUserDescriptor(this.connectSession.userManager.myUserID);
     if(event.streamDescriptor.type == StreamManager.SCREENSHARE_STREAM && publisherDescriptor != null)

     if(publisherDescriptor.displayName == myDescriptor.displayName || publisherDescriptor.userID.indexOf(myDescriptor.userID) >= 0)
          publisherId = event.streamDescriptor.originalScreenPublisher;
          streamId = event.streamDescriptor.id;
     screenSharingPodController.screenBeingPresented = true;

protected function startPlayingScreenShare(event:ScreenShareEvent):void
     this.currentState = "screenSharingState";
     this.screenSharingPodController.screensharingPodEnabled = true;
protected function stopPlayingScreenShare(event:ScreenShareEvent):void

     // This is always true, for every clients running this app. Don't understand why.

     trace("Publishing = " + screenSharePublisher.isPublishing.toString());
     this.currentState = "normalState";
     if ( !TimeetController.participantLogged.isPresenter )
          this.screenSharingPodController.screensharingPodEnabled = false;

Note: Even when i stop the screenshare the results for screenSharePublisher.isPublish remains true.


Level 2


I can  not believe that you have such a hard time reproducing this issue. Everyone elese seems to be having some issue or other with screensharing.

On two of my systems, it never worked. Both x64 windows. On one of the x32 bit system it worked for days, now stopped working. I havent' had time to reinstall add-in on the x32 system. I will see what got corrupted.

There are many people complaining about this feature. Have you tried on x64 win system? I sent you all the detailed logs(see above) few weeks ago, what canyou tell from that? Can you tell me next steps? Do you want to have a remote session with webex or something? It's been weeks and none of our windows system can use this component.



As I said we are testing on x64 Windows and we can't reproduce the problem.

We have added some extra debug messages related to screen sharing in the latest SDK (1.3.7). It would be very helpful if you could send us updated logs (and also, as much info as you are willing to share on how you start the screensharing session - a snipped of code would be best).

A remote session would be helpful too. Can you send an email to lccs@adobe.com with a phone number and/or your availability ? Our QE team can contact you and setup the session.

Thanks for your patience!