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Problem with binding the date in a table


Level 2

Hi Adobe experts,

I am writing you because I have a little problem with the binding of the date of delivery.

In particular, i don't know what to do for linkind the date of delivery with the specific row.

These are 3 items with their date of delivery:

Screenshot (475).png

This is my table on ALD with the relative binding for date of delivery ( $.FormQuote.Item[*].ConfirmedScheduleLine[*].EndDate)

Screenshot (477).png

But unfortunatly this is the pdf:

Screenshot (476).png

How you can see, the date of delivery is in the wrong position because it is related to the second row.

What can I do?


3 Replies


Level 10

What's the structure of the XML data you're binding your table to and how looks the hierarchy of that table in Designer?  


Level 2

Hi Radzmar, this is my hierarchy of the table

Screenshot (479).png

while, the XML is the same for "descrizione,prodotto,quantità" but it change for the "data disponibilità".I think that in the XML scheme there is the logic that link the firsts 3 columns (also because this 3 fields have no binding) to each item while the binding of the last column is manually insert.

For the firsts 3 column, i have the following script (repeated for each column except for the 4th) in the xml schema:


<script>if (FormQuoteNotification.bdyMain.frmSummaryBlock.frmGrossPrice.txtGrossAmountIndicator.rawValue &lt;&gt; "" and
FormQuoteNotification.bdyMain.frmSummaryBlock.frmGrossPrice.txtGrossAmountIndicator.rawValue &lt;&gt; null ) then
this.hdrNetPrice.rawValue = FormQuoteNotification.bdyMain.frmSummaryBlock.frmGrossPrice.lblGrossPrice.rawValue;
this.hdrNetValue.rawValue = FormQuoteNotification.bdyMain.frmSummaryBlock.frmGrossPrice.lblGrossValue.rawValue;




Level 10

Well, I still need to know, that the XML looks like and what elements in the hierarchy are bound to which element of the XML. 
Form you initial post the XML should contains a branch looking like this. 




However, I don't see a relation to the elements in the existing hierachy since the namings aren't the same.