The toolbar is seperate UI component that is added as a child
to the Whiteboard. So it will be forced to remain with in the
boundaries of its parent container (WhiteBoard in this case).
But if you still want it to be outside the container, this
worked for me. But dragging wasnt possible :(. I tried writing a
custom mouseevent like
dragToolBar) and couldnt do anything useful.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""layout="absolute" xmlns:rtc="AfcsNameSpace" >
protected function onClick():void
wb.x = 500;
wb.shapesToolBar.x = -300;
<rtc:ConnectSessionContainer id="cSession" roomURL=""> <rtc:authenticator>
<rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator userName="Login" password="Pwd"
<rtc:SharedWhiteBoard id="wb" width="800" height="800"
<mx:Button click="onClick()" label="move" />