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PRESENCE = "hidden" is not working for me!


Level 8


I am developing a interactive form and the back end is SAP ERP software (where in the INITIAL screen will be developed) and the data bse is Oracle, fine.

The my_form has 4 pages.

The first 2 pages (1&2) are meant for to enter the family head details.

And the last 2 pages(3&4) are meant for children details.

As soon as user opened the application,User will get the 3 radio buttons as below,

  • Would you like fill whole family details (all the 4 pages) [in this case my applicatuion should render all the 4 pages to user]
  • Would you like fill ONLY family HEAD details (1st & 2nd page) [in this case my applicatuion should render first 2 pages to user]
  • Would you like fill ONLY children details (3rd & 4th page) [in this case my applicatuion should render LAST 2 pages to user]

So, i kept the below code in my_form.docReady event,

if( allFamily == "X"){
// do nothing

if( Head == "X"){
xfa.resolveNode("MY_FORM.Page3").presence = "hidden"
xfa.resolveNode("MY_FORM.Page4").presence = "hidden"

if(  Children == "X"){
xfa.resolveNode("MY_FORM.Page1").presence = "hidden"
xfa.resolveNode("MY_FORM.Page2").presence = "hidden"

Its not working,

1 - Pls. let me know whts is missing, why its not working?

2 - How can get it done of my requirement, any code snippet and event pls.?

3 - Pls. basically is it possibve to hide a page TOTALLY in the interactive forms concept? if so, wht is the correct EVENT to place my logic/code JavaScript? right now am keepng in docReady event

Thank you

1 Reply


Former Community Member


try this...

1. Design your option in a page.

2. Hide your page 1,2,3 & 4

3. Onclick of your option fire your logic.