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Prepopulating the Drop DownList in the PDF/XDP.


Former Community Member


I have  urgent requirement where i need to prepopulate the list values in drop  down list in the xdp.Here  I am able to do prepopulate the value for Text

Box  by assigning  some value  to the particular  value  in the sub process like location/@Title [Location] and  "hsjkghsfkgh" [Expresion]. But i am failing in prepopulating the data for drop down  list specially  dont know how to specify the  List values [Collection] in the expression.

I created a varaible of type list and sub type string and when i have expresion like "APPP" [only one value] , the  data is  prepopulating in the  pdf.

Please  help me out how we will  specify list in the  expresion ?.



5 Replies


Level 10

You need to populate a hidden field (just like you do with Title) with the values for your drop down. Something like a comma delimited list. Then on your xdp, look at the value of the hidden field and create a script that will parse the string and add the elements to the drop down.



Former Community Member

Hi Jasmin,

Thanks for your reply.

FYI :  I had not used any  hidden value to prepopulate the data into TextField. ]

I am using setValue user activity to assign the value into the xfa form.

SetValue activity allows   you specify value for particular  field  in the xfa form(Location).

Here my configuration :

Location  : /process_data/xmlPrepareData/xdp/datasets/data/form1/TextField1  ( TextField1 is the  name of the TextField in the pdf).

Expression : mmmmm

The  above  settings are working prettt much.

But I would like to prepopulate the data for drop-down  list.

I created the sample pdf with drop-down list and am trying to  prepopulate  but I am getting first value  of the list into the drop-down list.

Here my configuration :

Location  : /process_data/xmlPrepareData/xdp/datasets/data/form1/DropDownList1

Expresion : /process_data/sampleOutput (Created sampleOutput variable as list(sub type -string).

Adding  values as

Location  : /process_data/sampleOutput[1]  Expresion :"A"

Location  : /process_data/sampleOutput[2]  Expresion :"B"

Location  : /process_data/sampleOutput[3]  Expresion :"C"

Please let me know how can i  write my  list values in the expresion.




Level 10

You cannot set the list value of a drop down using xPath.

What I'm suggesting is to set the value of a text field, just like you're doing. The value of that text field would contain a comma delimited list of the drop down values.

Then, whithin the form (OnFormReady or somehting), run a script that would read the value of that text field and parse the comma delimited string and populate the drop down value.



Level 2

All the script is there ready for use as part of a custom object called 'Process Fields'.

Set the value of AWS_CHOICE on initialise to a comma delimited string and the drop-down AWS_ACTION will populate the elements.

In the sample attached you will see all the parts of the Process Fields object.  You can delete what is not needed.  I have set this.rawValue of AWS_CHOICE to "1,2,3,4,5" on initialise.


Level 2

Sorry it did not upload the file for me but I think my reply is clear enough.  If it is not then I'll happily explain more