Hi All, I am trying to populate the "datefield" (cv58) when the "validated" field (cv55) is set to a specific string from the dropdown menu. I have used the following code in the change event of (cv55). if (form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv55.rawValue == "Validated") then form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv58.rawValue = num2date(date(), "YYYY-MM-DD") endif if (form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv55.rawValue == "Pending" OR form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv55.rawValue == "Not Validated" OR form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv55.rawValue == "null") then form1.P1.client.variable_option_client.cv58.rawValue = "null" endif This does not pupulate anything into my datefield. I need the datefield to populate with today's date when (cv55) is set to "Validated" else it should not not set the date to anything. Please help Joey