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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Peer to Peer Direct Video Call (no room)


Level 4

It was just suggested to me by someone at Adobe that doing this was possible but that I should put a post up here to confirm so here goes.

Currently we have as part of our application a Video Call function.   Bascially we took the stratus video call demo, ported it to the Cairngorm framework, and then integrated it into our larger application.    So now a user on the calling end clicks on a name, and then the call button to start a call.   On the other end our application rings like a phone and the user answers it and the video call is connected.

It seems to me that AFCS is more of the come meet me in a room approach where both users have to innitiate a call by going into a predefined room.   I really can't do that with this application because one side of our user experience is elderly and has no computer ability.   So for us the interface has to be easy, large type, etc.

So after my long explination my question is can I use AFCS to do what I'm doing with Stratus now?  Or do I have to wait until there is a more open version of stratus for deployment?   Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


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