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pdf image recovery from corrupt pdf files


Level 1

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Actual Question:

the pdf file in which i kept my pictures gt corrupt. i used image extractor tools but for nothing. please help me. i am clueless what to do?

6 Replies


Level 1

well   vinceo.......... relax  these kind of malfuctions are common  in pdf file format all u need is a good image extraction tool

use this tool "sysinfotools PDF IMAGE EXTRACTOR"    i am recommending u   this software caus  i have used it  and am  more then happy with its performance ......

o'll da best


Level 1

pdfrecovery text, graphics, hyperlinks and object forms used in the .pdf document. Tool reads/analyzes and repairs the data from the source PDF file without changing its original structure. Program has a friendly user interface and can work with minimal user input, it's handy even for novices.


Level 1

How silly was I as I had been using PDF files since the day I learned to operate the computer system and didn’t know anything about them. Then one day I realized that why don’t I learn something about PDF to become a mater in it.

As we know in these days, PDF files are most commonly used by worldwide. Belong to any part of the society, we as an individual or an organization use PDF files. Therefore it has become very essential element in computer service.

                                  “Generally a PDF or Portable Document Format file is a self-contained cross-platform document which appears same as in the form of soft copy or hard copy. PDF files are used by all of us as they contain the complete formatting of the original document, including fonts and images, PDF files are highly compressed, allowing complex information to be downloaded efficiently.”

PDF is very popular due to its easiest form of transferring the files over and through the internet as it maintains the original formatting and secures the documents so nicely that other files’ formats don’t.

Any PDF file contains text or images and sometimes both i.e. text and images. It can be used for office presentation, school assignment or personal collection. But sometimes we don’t need the text part which is inside our PDF file. Occasionally, we need only the pictures from our PDF files. That time we usually do this: copy the images or pictures from the PDF files and then paste them in other new PDF file. That process of copy and paste takes a long time and makes us tired. So that time we need an application which can easily extract all the images and pictures from our PDF files in very short point of time.

But just think about this: How can you extract images and pictures from a PDF file which is corrupted. Because there is not any software application which can extract the images and pictures from a corrupt PDF file. Did I say no?

Actually there is a tool which can easily extract the images and pictures from not only a normal PDF file but also from a corrupt PDF file. With the help of this tool anyone can easily extract the images and pictures from a single or multiple PDF files of all versions such as 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7, from Adobe Acrobat 3.x to Adobe Acrobat X either it is normal or corrupted as it is very simple to use.  After extracting the images and pictures, it allows you to save them in different formats such as JPEG, BMP, PNG and GIF. It is one of the fastest extracting tools which does extraction process in no more time.

i used this tool as it was refered earlier in this thread, and i am totally satisfy from this tool : PDF Image Extractor from SysInfoTools. What a utility excellent work done by experts.



Level 1

Hey davidmilleredu81,

thanks a ton. First of all I would like to thank you that how beautifully you described PDF.

Last week I used PDF Image Extractor Tool of sysinfotools as you recommended.And I was very delighted with the results, I couldn't imagine that it could also extract images from dead PDF files. I'm really very impressed. And thanks for your advice. Sysinfo tools rocks.........    


Level 1

To repair corrupt or damaged pdf file which may be corrupted due to virus attack or corrupted while downloading from the internet use Kernel for PDF Repair software. It can repair corrupt pdf files instantly and without errors. The output file is free from any errors and the original properties are also restored. The tool can be downloaded from http://www.nucleustechnologies.com/pdf-repair-tool.html. Moreover you can repair multiple pdf files at once with the help of this tool.


Level 1

PDF recovery for Mac is best tool to recover image, graphics or hypertexts from corrupt PDF file. The tool is capable to recover PDF files that lost due to partition or hard drive formatting. The tool is read-only in properties and thus ascertain the originality of data. To download and try software just visit the following link: http://www.pdfrecoverymac.com