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PDF form crashes LiveCycle when trying to reopen


Level 3

Good afternoon;

I was working on an interactive form that I was going to use to create invoices for clients. Everything was going fine (although, looking back, I wish I was versioning my saves... smh). I had to step away yesterday afternoon (I thought I saved my progress before shutting down) but when I came back, LiveCycle had closed. When I tried reopening the form, LiveCycle would not stay open. It seems to only be with this particular form from what I can tell. The file will open with Acrobat Reader and Nitro Pro (I do not have Acrobat Pro installed) and the dynamic features that are on the form seem to work fine (dynamic table rows at the moment), although the layout is not how I last remember it. Things have been shifted around and are on top of each other. I would be able to fix all that if I could only open it in LiveCycle... LOL.


I'm using Designer ver. on a Windows 10 machine. I found another forum that suggested finding the Designer folder in AppData and deleting it, but it still seems to be crashing the application. I hope I don't have to start over from scratch but if I do, it's not a super huge deal but if I don't have to start over from scratch, that would be even better... LOL.


I haven't been on these forums for a couple years now and I see things have moved around and changed. Would I still be able to add a link to the file shared from DropBox in order to get help or have the rules changed?


I appreciate the help.

4 Replies


Level 10



You can still add a link to your form in the thread.  I can try opening it on my computer.


Designer will create a copy of the form every time you preview it, this copy will be in your %temp% directory (just type %temp% into explorer) and will have a random name like _304g3770t141109nh.pdf.


But this directory is usually under AppData, so you may have deleted it already ... but in case you took a copy.






Level 3
Thanks for the reply and offering help. I didn't know about the Temp dir. I think I found the file that you were talking about and some other related files with the same name. I first moved (to keep a backup just in case) them and tried to see if it would work and when it didn't, I went ahead and deleted all of the files in the dir. Still no change. Keeps crashing the program. In all likelihood, I might have been previewing the form when I had to leave, though I can't absolutely say. I left out so quick that day. Could that be an indication as to what's going on? If I put my computer to sleep while previewing a form in LC, does it create some kind of loop with that file that the program can't get out of or something?


Level 3


Level 3

It was a small form at that point. I hadn't really gotten that far with it when it started crashing and have previous versions of other dynamic forms that I can just copy over from. I guess I put the link in the wrong reply (comment as opposed to "Answer"). I'll just rebuild it. It's cool.


Thanks anyway.