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P2P Audio Users Hear Themselves in Headsets


Level 1

I'm encountering a problem where two users with headsets engaged in private audio chat in P2P can each hear themselves in their headsets as they talk.

If one user mutes the incoming audio stream, they can no longer hear themselves talk, but obviously can't hear the other user talk either. It almost seems like the incoming audio stream is somehow being combined with the outgoing stream in some way.

The microphone volume settings in Flash and the OS do seem to affect the amount of signal feedback and with enough adjustments (in the OS volume controls), it can usually be made imperceptible.

Both Echo Suppression and Microphone loopBack don't seem to affect the problem.

4 Replies


Level 1

Whoops, accidentally submitted before I asked my questions. So, firstly, is this signal feedback intrinsic to P2P private voice chat or possibly to the way soundcards manage microphones and audio streams? If not, is there perhaps a LCCS property or method that commonly causes this to occur that I might be using in error?


Level 4


Take a look at how the audio is pubishing in the  room.

If your broadcasting to everyone then people might hear themselves talk.

If you set up the audioSubscribers to the ID of the other person (audioSubcriber.publisherIDs = [LCCS ID of other user] ) that should make sure that only the other person is hearing you.

just make sure that you dont subscribe to yourself.

I dont think this would change if its P2P, but we had the same problem and that fixed it.



Former Community Member

I actually encountered this a few weeks ago. I could hear myself when I was broadcasting my audio. Come to find out I was using a 10.2 beta flash player and that was the cause. I uninstalled and got the latest 10.1 release and no more issue.


Former Community Member

Nice, thanks a lot for the extra info - it's always satisfying when the

community helps each other out in cases like this. There's only so much we

can cover on our own (there's tons more of you all than there are of us!).

