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Need explanation of Subform Instance Brackets in Hiearchy Palette


Level 7

Greetings all,

I noticed something in the Hiearchy Palette that doesn't look right:  MySubform[1..2]

The "2" goes away when I uncheck the Max (which was set to 2) in the Binding Tab--however, the [1] remains--usually indicating it is the 2nd Subform with this name. The real puzzel is that there are no other subforms with this name, but this seems to happen everytime a subform Max is set and subsequently the Max is unchecked.

Is this a bug?




5 Replies


Level 10

Hi Stephen,

No, I don't believe it is a bug at all. In the new version of Designer (version 10), the hierarchy is providing more information on repeating objects. Basically reflecting the Object > Binding palette information.

I haven't checked yet, but I think it is documented in the new Help. 



Level 7

Hi Niall,

I appreciate new features--and your response--however,


          MySubform appears simply as MySubform until Max is checked for the first time.

         Then it appears as MySubform[1..n]    // where Max = n

          Then then it appears as MySubform[1] after Max is subsequently unchecked.

          which normally indicates it is the 2nd subform with the name MySubform in the palette

          but--it is the sole subform with the name MySubform in the palette ??

          Why, the MySubform[1] ?



Level 10


I have opened Designer 10 and see the behaviour you are seeing in the hierarchy.

I believe the "feature" is meant to show the limitting instances of the subform, if these are set in the Object > Binding palette. I can't find it in the Help, but I believe that this is how it is intended to work.

If you look in the Object > Binding palette the Name will confirm that the particular instance selected is [0].

When I saw the feature I liked it, but it does seem a little out if you deselect the Repeat checkbox.



Level 10

...see the instance number is shown in the hierarchy if required, before the min/max count:

Parallels Desktop1.png


Level 7

Yes, but setting "Initial Count" to 0      //which clears the Min

does not change the [1..5] to [0..5]

it remains [1..5]

The subform does not have any instances until script is fired--yet [1..5]

Not existing must not be the same as 0 instances

( Exists(MySubform) === MySubform.count ) = false?

(0 === 0) = false?

I haven't tested