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Multiple Variable Scripting - Not sure how to write script in FormCalc or JavaScript - Using LiveCycle ES2


Level 2

Good afternoon. I am designing a form, and am running into issues on how to create a concatenated field. I have multiple text fields for entering comments throughout the form (TextField1, TextField2, etc.). What I am trying to do is set up an additional calculated field that will display all of the comments listed elsewhere in the document.

Here is the rub - I want each of these to start on a new line, and I don't want a blank line if no comment was left.

I tried using variables (var), but don't know how to set them up to be conditional. What I tried was:

if (TextField1.isNull) then var a = "" else var b = /n + TextField1.rawValue

if (TextField2.isNull) then var b = "" else var b = /n + TextField2.rawValue

$.rawValue = Concat (a, b)

This is in FC because I am even worse with JS, but am willing to learn. Needless to say, there are many more than 2 TextFields - this is just a jumping off point, and I believe the script should work the same no matter the number of variables introduced. If there is anyone who could please lend a hand, I would greatly appreciate it.



6 Replies


Level 4

[Question moved to the LCD forum]


Level 3

If you want a string containing a new line it is "\n"  - backslash, not forward slash, in double quotes.


Level 2

Thank you. Tried the following:

if (TextField1.isNull) then var a = "" else var a = "\n" + TextField1.rawValue endif

if (TextField2.isNull) then var b = "" else var b = "\n" + TextField2.rawValue endif

$.rawValue = Concat (a, b)

Received the following error: Error: accessor 'a' is unknown.


Level 3

(Sorry, I see there is an endif in formcalc. But I've never used it, so I don't know further.


Level 2

Because I thought you were supposed to. I should have mentioned - I am not a programmer. I am a technical writer.

I treated the "endif" like a closing parens. I did try removing the "endif" and it no longer told me that accessor 'a' is unknown. However, now I get a syntax error. Here is what I have:

if (TextField1.isNull) then var a = "" else var a = "\n" + TextField1.rawValue

if (TextField2.isNull) then var b = "" else var b = "\n" + TextField2.rawValue

$.rawValue = Concat (a, b)

Error: syntax error near token ')' on line 6, column 0.

There is no line 6. There is also no column 0...

*bangs head against wall*