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multiple titlewindow problem


Former Community Member

Hello Experts,

I am runing into a problem while opening TitleWindow using the addpopup method of PopupManager. the problem is described below.

suppose Ihave three clients A,B,C . A sends a request to B to view His Webcam B agrees and starts viewing A's webcam in a titlewindow.

Now A sops his webcam for some Reason and B  let the window open for webcam of A. Now Again A Requests B to view his webcam B accepts.Now in this case

Wats hapenning Another titlewindow opens so that now B is viewing A's cam in two windows .Actually wat should happen that B shold only have the Previous window open

and the webcam should sard in it. i am stuck how to handle this problem. please post any code example to solve the above problem.



1 Reply



How do you think this is an LCCS problem?

Any reason why you can't close the window when you receive the event that the webcam has stopped?