I hv developed my_form, having couple of subforms, fields.
They decided to change the layout drastically, pls. let me know How I can MOVE fields as a BUNCH from one location to another location on a DIFFERENT page?
Say, earlier i hv 5 fields together, side by side on a same line/row wrapped in my_sub_form on 2nd page. Now, after they revising they want to see these 5 fields of the my_sub_form on 3rd page, pls. let me,
1) How can i move these 5 fields ALL TOGETHER as a bunch to another location, so that it meakes my life easy? instaed of moving a single single field.
2) or i should move my_sub_form AS A WHOLE? i tried it not giving me a chance of moving as a my_sub_form?
3) Pls. let me know what is Object Tool? where can i see on the form, i did RIGHT CLICK, but, did not see any such Object Tool on the displayed sontext menu?