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Module Failure: ntdll.dll & xfalayout.dll?? Help!


Level 2

Hello everyone:

My LC keeps crashing and I keep getting errors.  I'm reinstalling but the issue keeps coming up.

Cannot access any memebers via Javascript and calls to xfa.host also creates errors.

Cannot see console window for degubbing messages.

Does anyone have any clue what can be cuasing this?

I have attached my running processes and the Windows Event ID Log (3 events).

  1. Faulting application formdesigner.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.5755, fault address 0x000449cf.
  2. Faulting application formdesigner.exe, version, faulting module formdesigner.exe, version, fault address 0x0043fad6.
  3. Fault bucket 1229402625.

Previous help postings with my errors:


Any feedback or help would be greatly appreciated as I am in dire need of assitance.

Thank you for your time,

Ivan A. LoretoComputer Education Technician

LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY | School of Allied Health Professions - Department of Physical Therapy

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