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MessageClientListener not working


Level 1

I'm using the MessageClientListener to view the visitors who are online on my application (i'm using messaging trough rtmp chanell). Everything works fine but if the user stays online a longer time the messageClientDestroyed function is not called. My implementation is like this:

//my messaging service

public class MyMessageService implements MessageClientListener {

     public IpZoneService() {

    public void messageClientCreated(MessageClient msg) {

    public void messageClientDestroyed(MessageClient msg) {       
       //some code to show that the user is no longer online


My channel definition looks like this:

<channel-definition id="my-rtmp"
            <endpoint url="rtmp://{server.name}:2038" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.RTMPEndpoint" />
                    for deployment on WebSphere, must be mapped to a WorkManager
                    available in the web application's jndi context.
                    <websphere-workmanager-jndi-name>java:comp/env/wm/MessagingWorkManager</websphe re-workmanager-jndi-name>

and my message:

<destination id="mainAppl">
            <channel ref="my-rtmp"/>
            <channel ref="my-longpolling-amf"/>       

On the client side i have a consumer that subscribes to my service. Like i said everything work fine if i connect and disonnect in the first minutes. But if i stay logged in more time (more then 20-30 minutes) the messageClientDestroyed is not called. If you have any ideea please help. I sopose that it's something related with the timeouts of the sessions but i don't know what.

1 Reply


Level 1

If anyone know other method to keep a count of the live visitors without any timers please share. It seems that the rtmp it cannot be used to it's full potential.