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Making attachments become part of the form


Level 3

I'd like to know how to make attachments automatically open up at the end of the form and be included in the page numbering.  Is there any way of inserting them in a subform or something of that nature?  Thanks.


1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Firstly the attachments would have to be PDFs to be attached at the end. If that is satisfied then you could use Acrobat to add these pages to the end of the doc. This could be automated using LiveCycle Assembler server.

Another option would to create a portfolio. The attachments woudl not be at the end of your doc, but they coudl be presented in different ways. Do a google search of Acrobat Portfolios ...you will find many sites that describe portfolios and what you can do with them.


View solution in original post

14 Replies


Level 4

I'm not sure, but i don't think that's possible.


Level 3

Ugg, that's not good; can I get a second opinion, someone?

-poor smeagol


Correct answer by
Former Community Member

Firstly the attachments would have to be PDFs to be attached at the end. If that is satisfied then you could use Acrobat to add these pages to the end of the doc. This could be automated using LiveCycle Assembler server.

Another option would to create a portfolio. The attachments woudl not be at the end of your doc, but they coudl be presented in different ways. Do a google search of Acrobat Portfolios ...you will find many sites that describe portfolios and what you can do with them.



Level 3

The attachments are indeed PDFs.  How can I go about automating this process?  Is it possible to include these attachments in the page numbering?  That's not quite as important, but it would be nice.  Thanks pguerett.

-nassty hobbit


Former Community Member

Then you have one of two options .....on the client machine Acrobat gives you the ability to add pages or add PDFs together. This would have to be done manually. You woudl have to save the PDFs to the local machine then use Document/Insert Pages and choose file..then follow the wizard until finished.

If you want to automate this on the server then LiveCycle Assembler would be required and a DDX file woudl have to be written to control the actions taken by Assembler on your PDF. I assume that you do not have a server and you will have to use option 1.



Level 3

Well, I do have a server, but not Assembler so I'll have to stick with option 1.  However, there seems to be an issue with LiveCycle.  There must be a way of getting around it, but apparently you can't insert pages in a form created by LiveCycle because it's greyed out.  I played around with the security settings, but to no avail.  Is there something I can do to enable this option?



Level 4

Yes, flatten your PDF.


Level 3



Level 4

To flatten a PDF is to transform a interactive PDF into a non-interactive PDF.

If, in your process, after you've inserted all the information you wanted in your form, you transform your Interactive PDF in a flat PDF you'll be able to insert and extract pages in Adobe Pro (or other versions).

This operation existes in the Output ES module.


Level 3

That's not going to be possible for me because I'll still need six signatures along with a comments box for each person.  Acrobat and LiveCycle are both Adobe products, there has to be a way to do this.



Level 4

There are lots of ways, Paul presented the best of them.

What you want to do isn't near the standard signed document workflow.

Non-repudiation and changes apart, a Digital Signature represents a sign of acceptance of the content of the document. You not only want to change that content was well was the layout and visual of the document by appending / inserting new PDF.

Even if you could get it to work, in a few months/years, when someone tried to validate todays documents, chances are, they won't be able to.

As far as Signed documents go, try to follow Adobe's recomendations.

IMHO you should re-think your workflow to something that is similar to:

1) fill data

2) attach files

3) pass the document to the next person

4) repeat 1-3

5) certificate

6) sign (as many times as needed)


Level 3

I apologize for my noobishness, but I need you to talk on my level.  I'm not a programmer but I have a fairly decent comprehension of LiveCycle and have managed to nearly complete a somewhat complicated form.  This is the last thing I need to add to finish my form and it's driving me crazy.  All I want is to be able to insert pages (a couple of PDF files), and still sign the document afterwards.  Is this possible?



Level 4

If you want to insert pages, then you should do something like this (after filling in all the form data the end user wants):

- flatten PDF (Output ES)

- insert pages (Acrobat)

- Sign & Certify (Acrobat)

If all you want is to attach files you don't need to flat your PDF and can go right to Signing your PDF with Acrobat.

If you users don't have Acrobat then you'll need Reader Extensions (to enable the PDF to be signed) and Digital Signatures (to add digital signature fields to the PDF IF and only IF the PDF has been flattened, if it is a interactive form you can add the digital signature fields in Designer).


Level 3

My users do not have Output ES--neither do I for that matter--therefore it's not an option for them to fill in the fields then flatten the PDF, and I can't flatten it before they fill it out...

The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> liqladmin("SELECT id, value FROM metrics WHERE id = 'net_accepted_solutions' and user.id = '${acceptedAnswer.author.id}'").data.items [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 41] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign answerAuthorNetSolutions = li... [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 5] ----