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Macro PDF417


Level 1

Is there anyone know how to create Macro PDF417 barcodes using LiveCycle Designer ES3?



5 Replies


Level 10


Level 1

Hi radzmar,

I clicked on the link you sent, but don't see any instructions how to create Macro PDF417 barcodes using Designer ES3. Am I missing something? Our organization needs to make this works and we are willing to pay any fee.

It seems using JavaScript makes sense. We just need to append a "Control Block" to each PDF417 barcode so that it can be re-assembled by the scanner.

Can you please give me more instruction or direction on this?




Level 10

Well, my solution was build with JavaScript. It uses JavaScript to generate PDF417 barcodes at runtime (in the PDF viewer).
Download the sample provided there. It works in Acrobat Reader and Acrobat and demonstrates, how the solution works.

However, there's also another solution available in Designer's barcode tab. By default it has a wide range of barcodes available, you can drag into your forms (e.g. PDF417 or QR).
Note: This solution won't work in Reader without adding special rights to the form through LiveCycle Reader Extensions (a server product).


Level 1


I can download your sample now, before I couldn't because of incompatible browser. You are asking for a fee to get your dynamic PDF417 barcode generation JavaScript code. Before buying your code, I want to make sure your solution will resolve our issues.

What we are looking for is the way to generate Macro PDF417 barcodes in LiveCycle Designer. As you already know, Macro PDF417 or PDF417Macro is PDF417, but allows the data to span multiple PDF417 barcodes. The barcodes are marked by a so-called control block so that the PDF417Macro enabled scanner knows when it still has additional barcodes to read.

So, can your JavaScript code generate Macro PDF417?




Level 1

Thanks Radzmar for your time. We have been in contact with Adobe support about this issue of generating PDF417Macro barcodes. They said that currently PDF417Macro is not supported in LiveCycle Designer and there is no plan for supporting it in the future.

We will proceed with a plan to write a custom Java program to generate PDF417Macro barcodes using third party Java API available from sources on the Internet. This option is not good in terms of software integrity strategy in our organization, yet it will resolve our problem with Adobe LiveCycle Designer.

For those of you, Java developers like myself, two links below might be helpful for writing custom Java program to generate PDF417Macro:



