I can't find a direct anwser - is there way to link works in a popup to external sites/email?
This is my code:
if (this.rawValue == "1" && this.resolveNode("Row5.TypeofProjectTrainingStateVALE").rawValue == "1") {
xfa.host.messageBox("No one funding source can fund both of the project types you selected in question 4 and you may need to complete two separate applications, one for each funding source. Because of this, no Funding Source option will appear in question 7. Please click the \"Reset Project Type\" button and reselect your Type of Project(s). See the Instructions for more information, and If this problem persists, contact our office at emailadress@email.com ", "Combination of Project Type not Eligible for Funding", 1);
The word in red are the ones I want to link when the popup appears for people to click on. Any possible (and easy) way to do this?