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Level 3


I have a process which makes an LDAP call ad the result set can be multiple values. I want to have these values in an XML variable, for which I have referenced an XSD. The xsd will be part of the wsdl and whenever the service is invoked, the xml elements will be direclt made available in the fields in the form. I am still stuck at how to link the LDAP call with the variable of xml data type. I know that the I can directly get an xml output from the LDAP by mentionaing the tags in the properties for the LDAP component, but I am not sure if that will help, that xml needs to be available during the invocation in the overall form xml.

Please help.



7 Replies


Level 10

I'm not sure I understand everything here,  but what you need to do is set the ouptut xml of the LDAP serivce to an XML variable and make that variable an output variable.

That way the xml is going to be returned when you call invoke your process and you can merge it with you form's fields.



Level 3

Thanks for the response Jasmin. May be I should try to work in that

direction before trying out other stuff.

I also wanted to know if there is any way I can modify the WSDL file? I don't have much experience working with WSDLs. The WSDL file that I currently have for the process already has an XML type outpu variable(outXML). However, in the WSDL subtypes(element and document) are defined for the outXML tag. I just couldn't figure out how that thing came there. Can you pease help on this as well?




Level 10

The WSDL can't be modified. They are autogenerated when a process is being deployed.

Where are you invoking the process from (what interface)?



Level 3

It is a pdf form built in ADOBE Designer itself. I have a button that invokes the LDAP call. I enter a string in a text field and that string is used to filter the query from the LDAP.

<element name="outXML" type="impl:XML" />
<element name="outxml2" type="impl:XML" />
- <complexType name="XML">
- <sequence>
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="document" type="xsd:string" />
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="element" type="xsd:string" />

This is an excerpt from the WSDL file. The tags under <complexType name="XML"> is what I am talking about. In the process I have outXML and outxml2 as the 2 variables defined as output of XML type.




Level 3

Moreover, The reason why I am trying to do that way is, that

when I have it as an XML variable output without any xsd reference, I cannot bind the

fields in the form directly to the XML elements.as the dataview will only show "element"

and "document" under the xml tag.

However, if I have it referenced, I can directly bind the fields to the elements defined in t

he LDAP component.

I hope I was able to explain properly.




Level 10

You won't able to bind the fields directly to the xml response even if you use a xsd.

You'll need to put the xml into a hidden field and then use some script to parse that xml and map the proper element to the fields in the form.



Level 3

Ohh is it so?? I thought it would be. But may be I give the reference to the XSD and import the original form XSD into that such thatat runtime the final XSD has all the tags, then can those tags derived from the XML out variable be bound to the fields in the form and used to invoke the reponse? I think I myself am confused about this thing.....Nywayz thanks for all your help..

