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LCCS screenshare examples - warning in Design Mode


Level 2

Hello Everyone,

I am getting a warning when I open the screensharing examples within LCCS

Description Resource Path Location Type

Design mode could not load lccs.swc. It may be incompatible with this SDK, or invalid. (DesignAssetLoader.CompleteTimeout) ScreenShareMultiSubscriberExample.mxml /Broadcatster/src Unknown Problem

I was wondering if anyone may have an idea of what could be causing this.

Kind regards.


29 Replies


Former Community Member

I will run this and get back to you


Hironmay Basu


Former Community Member


I ported the ScreenShare Publisher and the Subscriber in Flex 4 ( Flash Builder 2) for you specifically and I am attaching those files.

You can always refer to these  files when you want to port any of our example/LCCS file to spark component set i.e. flex 4. Basically, you would have to use <fx:Script> instead of <mx:Script> , <s:Application> instead of <mx:Application> , put the rtc:AdobeHSAuthenticator under <fx:Declarations> tag and so on. You can compare by keeping side by side the mx file with the s files I am attaching for any future changes.

Anyways, coming back, you don't need to worry about StreamID and PublisherID for now.

To run the example, run ScreenSharePublisherExample.mxml , click on share screen and when the prompt comes up in the addin for sharing, click ok.

Run ScreenShareSubscriberExample.mxml separately and if you are already sharing , you will watch your shared screen.

Hope this helps


Hironmay Basu


Level 2

As ever Hironmay, you are a star, thanks very much. I'll run through those files now.



Level 2

Well, I'm getting there, can't see anything on the Subscriber page but I'll persevere.



Level 2

Hi Hironmay,

It's working like a dream, thank you so much. I assume that in the published model all the viewer needs access to is the ScreenShareSubscriber element (on a web site).



Former Community Member

Yes, all a viewer needs is the ScreenShareSubscriber component in his

app to view the sharing.


Hironmay Basu


Level 2


          I had tried the screensharesubscriberExample.mxml and screensharePublisher.mxml from sampleAppls folder and also from your files that you given      previously.But for both ways i m getting the same error as follows.What may be the mistake?

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property requestControl on com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.descriptors.StreamDescriptor.
    at com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers.descriptors::StreamDescriptor/readValueObject()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\sharedManagers\descriptors\StreamDescriptor.as:173]
    at com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers::StreamManager/buildStreamDescriptor()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\sharedManagers\StreamManager.as:1802]
    at com.adobe.rtc.sharedManagers::StreamManager/onItemReceive()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\sharedManagers\StreamManager.as:1677]
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at com.adobe.rtc.sharedModel::CollectionNode/http://www.adobe.com/2006/connect/cocomo/messaging/internal::receiveItem()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\sharedModel\CollectionNode.as:777]
    at com.adobe.rtc.messaging.manager::MessageManager/http://www.adobe.com/2006/connect/cocomo/messaging/internal::receiveItem()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\messaging\manager\MessageManager.as:718]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerBase/receiveItem()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerBase.as:412]


Former Community Member


I believe you are using some old SDK which doesn't have the remote control feature. We released one update on nov 4th i.e. last Thursday , so try using that and let me know. Also, you need to put a small sample code for me that reproduces the error so that I can run and figure out the mistake.


Hironmay Basu


Level 2


Thank you soooo much hironmay.Really you did a great work. I

had installed the latest sdk.Its working good.

