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LCCS Screen share issue


Level 2


For the screenshare applciation we developed, we are facing issues in screen share part  which gets displayed small when shared between different resoultions.

Tested with  Subscriber - 800 x 600 pixels

                   Publisher  - 1440x 900 pixels

Attached the screenshot of the issue experienced.


When shared with normal/equal resoultions in both sides, the screenshare makes us of the Black areas(full screen), otherwise screen share gets displayed small(as in image)

Please suggest us ways to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance!



3 Replies


Former Community Member

Hi Harshini,

Please help us help you.

You will need to give us some more information if you want the Community/LCCS team to help you with this issue,.

What is the issue exactly? How would you want this feature to behave?

Should it stretch the image of the shared screen to fill up the black space?

Wouldn't that create a new issue though? ("hey guys! the screen is stretched when the publisher/subscriber have different resolutions").

JG & I gave it a quick try with ConnectNow (my screen was at 1920x1200 pixels and his was at 800x600 pixels). ConnectNow is a web conferencing application that uses LCCS' screensharing feature (among other features).

Everything works as expected (if the resolutions are so far off, usually the person watching with the higher resolution will see some black space around the shared image).



LCCS Quality Engineering



Hi Hrashini,

Please explore ScreenshareSubsciber API's to get the resolution you need at Subscribers end.

A few approaches that might help you are

1) Setting the zoomMode , Possible values are ScreenShareSubscriber.SCALE_TO_FIT & ScreenShareSubscriber.FIT_TO_WIDTH

2) And ScreenShareSubscriber extends the basic Flex UIComponent, and you might to explore UIComponent API's to explore Size & resolution issues.

3) Also we ship all our code, so you could see what we do to manipulate height & width. You are really empowered when you debug your apps with the SDK src




Former Community Member

Arun you are great, your first approach solved my issue with the screen sharing.

Thank you.