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Javascript will stop working when I name a page


Former Community Member

I have a form that has a script if you select a radio button a drop down will appear.

In the dropdown if you select a specific project type I have  new page2 appear with more questions about that project.

If you select a diffrent project in the same dropdown, Page2 becomes hidden again.

Everything works fine, but I want to add a new page to the form.

currently there are three pages and I only have page2 named right now, the other two pages are default (untitled subform) (page#)

When I try to add a name to a page from (untitled subform) (page#) to Page3, the script for the dropdown in the second sentance stops working.

Does any one have any ideas as to why?

3 Replies


Level 1

Change the Name of page in the Javascript as well .... You need to chnage the JS Accordingly ....


Former Community Member

Currently there is no name for the page I am trying to hide.

But when I add a name it causes other scripting not to work.

Thank You

Todd Profant


Level 8

1) Select your top most subform

2) Open your script editor

3) Select Show: Events with Scripts

4) Exactly to the right of that drop down toggle the 'Show Events for Child Objects' button

5) Now search (Ctrl-F) for the previous name of your subform (if unamed then '#subform')

6) Change the JavaScript reference to the new name of your subform
