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INVALID_INSTANCE and Account error


Level 2

Hi there,

I've just signed up at afcs.acrobat.com, filled out my details (I'm already an Adobe member). I then downloaded the SDK pack, unzipped into Flash Builder 4 (Beta 2) plugins folder, and started up the video tuts. I am doing the 'build an app in 12 minutes' tutorial.

Firstly, my account URL needs validating apparently, it's this: https://connectnow.acrobat.com/danjah and when I open that URL, I get this message: "The meeting URL you have entered is not active. Please verify your meeting URL and try again. For further assistance, please contact support. To reserve this meeting URL, sign up for an account." (though I already 'created a new room' from the web interface for my account).

I have signed up for an account already.

Next, and possibly related to the above, when I debug my app which is identical to the video tutorial (using the Player 9 .swc build path), it throws an INVALID_INSTANCE error (pasted at the end of this post). Important to note; I have not customised my app in any way whatsoever, I've only (very carefully) followed the video tutorial steps.

One thing at a time I suppose, I'm really just wanting to try this stuff out... my 12 minutes has become an hour already, and I've nothing to show for it




#THROWING ERROR# requestInfo catch statement
INVALID_INSTANCE: Invalid Instance
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerBase/receiveError()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerBase.as:271]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerFMS/receiveError()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerFMS.as:288]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices/receiveError()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices.as:254]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices/onMeetingError()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices.as:94]
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.sessionClasses::MeetingInfoService/requestInfo()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\sessionClasses\MeetingInfoService.as:126]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.sessionClasses::MeetingInfoService/requestRoomInfo()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\sessionClasses\MeetingInfoService.as:89]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices/getMeetingInfo()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices.as:70]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session.managers::SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices/http://www.adobe.com/2006/connect/cocomo/session/internal::login()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\managers\SessionManagerAdobeHostedServices.as:130]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session::ConnectSession/login()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\ConnectSession.as:433]
    at com.adobe.rtc.session::ConnectSessionContainer/commitProperties()[C:\work\main\connect\cocomo\src\com\adobe\rtc\session\ConnectSessionContainer.as:357]
    at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:7387]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateProperties()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:572]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:700]
    at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:1069]

5 Replies


Level 2

I can help solve the first part of my problem:

  1. I took 'danjah' off the URL and thus went to:  https://connectnow.acrobat.com
  2. I clicked on the 'meetings' tab at the top of the screen
  3. I was then sent to the URL which should have been generated for me?, that URL is:  https://connectnow.acrobat.com/danjah165
  4. NOTE: THE NUMBER 165!!! At no point in time was I told I was #165 on the danjah list!!!

Perhaps https://afcs.acrobat.com/ is broken? I dunno. Now to see if the rest of this 12 minute tutorial works...

Aaaaand bingo - problem solved, debug doesn't freak out anymore.


Former Community Member

Hi ,

For the roomURL in ConnectSessionContainer, you need to use "Account URL/roomName" i.e something like https://connectnow.acrobat.com/danjah/yourroomName . Are you doing that?


Hironmay Basu


Level 2

Hi there Hironmay, thanks for your answer - yeah, I had all of that set up correctly, I just had 'danjah' instead of 'danjah165', as acfs.acrobat.com tells me that is the URL to use, and it is in fact still telling me to use 'danjah', but only danjah165 works.




Former Community Member

Hi Danjah,

There seems to be a little confusion around URLs - really, in this case, URLs (for accounts and for rooms) are not things you type into your browser - they're not browsable places on the web, they're "virtual" locations. What you need to do is use the developer portal (at afcs.acrobat.com), and build a room - you should see that we've created a room called "myfirstroom" for you. (You can create more rooms using the portal, the console, or through our server APIs).

A room URL is a combination of your account URL and the room name, so :

https://connectnow.acrobat.com/danjah/myfirstroom   would be a valid room URL for your account. Note that this url doesn't go anywhere in the browser - it's what you plug into the roomURL parameter of IConnectSessions.

  hope this helps.



Former Community Member

Sorry - hadn't read the followup posts closely enough. Seems like you created 2 accounts here (Danja165 is a ConnectNow account, and one LCCS account named just danja). The original danjah should have just worked - the error you got means you inputted an invalid roomURL. What was the one you were trying originally?
