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Inheriting form name from field value


Level 3


This may be a long shot, but I was wondering if there is anyway a form can inherit its name from a field value.

This form is used for conferences tracking and I was asked if there is any way for the form to change or inherit its name from the value in the "Conference Number" field I have in the form.

Thank you much!!!

1 Reply


Level 10


This requires a trusted function in a folder-level javascript file. It can be done but is involved and you have to install and maintain the .js file on all computers that are used to access the form.

There are discussions on this topic from Radzmar and myself:

Default Save As for PDF

XFA form with button to save file with unique filename

Also note that this may become more restricted in the protected mode in Reader X. See SaveAs through Folder Level Script in Reader X impossible with Protected Mode?

Hope that helps,


Assure Dynamics