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Import XML data into form problem


Level 1

I created a form a few years ago using LiveCycle Designer ES version The form was very simple and included a built-in "Email Submit Button" that sent the XML data via email. The person that receives the XML data via email recently informed me that they haven't been able to import the XML for "some time now". They receive a message that says, "acrobat could not open (filename) because it is either not a supported file or because the file has been damaged (for example it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)"  They are using Acrobat Pro 8.2.6

First of all why would there be a "Email Submit Button" if it corrupted the file?

Is there a way to get this to work with the XML data and not have to send the entire pdf? Thanks.

2 Replies


Level 10

Make sure that you XML data is malformed. This can be tested by opening the XML within Internet Explorer.

If all the tags are nested properly, and if it coerce with the template definition, there should be no problem.



Level 1

All of the tags are nested properly.  To make sure that something wasn't wrong with the form I created a new form with only 1 text field and included the built-in Email Submit Button. I put some letters into the text field, click on the Submit by Email button and saved the generated XML file to my desktop. Opened the new form in Adobe Acrobat 9.4.5 and tried to import the XML file but got the same message.