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How / where do I change the default font in LiveCycle?


Former Community Member

I have a graphic profile to relate to, which means that default Myriad pro font is wrong and I want to change to Calibri, but I can not find where I change.

7 Replies


Level 1

Such a LiveCycle question needs to be asked in the LiveCycle forum, particularly since LiveCycle is now a separate product. Some folks in the forms topic list might be able to help, but the focus of this forum is Acrobat, not LiveCycle.


Former Community Member

Thanks, but how do I know!?!

Not easy to know because Live cycel included in my Acrobat Suite


Level 1

Don't feel bad. That's why we're telling you. Each version brings changes, and it's sometimes hard to keep up. (LiveCycle was not automatically included in the current version of Acrobat XI for Windows, it has never been included on the Macintosh.)


Level 1

And most likely will never ever be for the Mac even though we need the abilities just as much as the PC crowd does.

If you do need to use a LiveCycle basd PDF on a Mac you can:

  1. Down load the file and open in Acrobat.

  2. Next save a Copy under a Slightly altered name.

  3. Open the new File and go to Tools > Forms.

  4. When open Choose create form.

  5. When window open choose from existing File.

  6. Then Use this File and allow Forms Creator populate the form fields.

  7. When completed choose Edit Form and touch up any fields it didn't create, or remove Fields that are unnecssary.

  8. Click on button finished Editing Form.

  9. You will will have a usuable PDF that can be used on any Platform though any Unique LiveCycle Characteristics will no be there.


Level 2

Moving this discussion to the LC Designer forum.


Level 10

There is not default font setting for Designer.

The objects in the palettes initially use Myriad Pro.

You can change it by putting an object into your form desing, changing the font or any other setting and saving it as a custom object back to the object palette.

Onother way to replace all fonts in your desing is to use a macro like these.



Former Community Member


You can set the font of particular field while designing the XDP but the actual font is used while rendering the XDP.

For example you have set the font to Calibri while designing and form get rendered now when you try to open this form in Reader, the font may get replaced by default font if Calibri is not present on client system or Reader font directory.

other way to get the specified font is to embed that, in this case the font will remain intact to form and no effect of font presence ion client system
