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How to open pdf with bookmarks panel showing?


Level 1

Hi all,

I have searched and had no luck. I found a helpful a post but it did not help in my case. I need my PDF that I created via LiveCycle to open with bookmarks panel showing. I tried (control+D) File > Properties >initial View but the features/options are all disabled.

The file is not passport protected and I created myself.

Any help/tip provided would be very much appreciated,

2 Replies


Former Community Member

Put a button on the form ad on the click event put this command:


If that works then copy the command and put it on teh docReady event of the root node of the form. Then delete the button.



Level 1


Thanks for your quick response. It works; however, it prompts to save changes even to file even if I make no changes to it.

I created  a button to save changes (code below) but it still prompts.

app.execMenuItem('Save');Named: Action=SaveAs;

Thank you,
