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How to mute an audiosubscriber ?


Level 3

My code doesn't work why?

<rtc:AudioSubscriber id="audioSub" />


private function muteSpeaker():void




29 Replies


Level 3

Mundo compiled on a pc (before on a Mac), I receive this....

ArgumentError: Error #2004: L'un des paramètres n'est pas valide.

at flash.display::Graphics/drawRect()

at mx.skins::ProgrammaticSkin/drawRoundRect()

at mx.skins.halo::SwatchPanelSkin/updateDisplayList()

at mx.skins::ProgrammaticSkin/validateDisplayList()

at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateDisplayList()

at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()

at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateNow()

at com.adobe.coreUI.controls::NullColorPicker/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::displayDropdown()

at com.adobe.coreUI.controls::NullColorPicker/downArrowButton_buttonDownHandler()

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()

at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()

at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()

at mx.controls::Button/http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::buttonPressed()

at mx.controls::Button/mouseDownHandler()

Any idea ?



Former Community Member

So, this is a bug I guess with Flash Builder 2 i.e flex 4 and It was fixed in the last latest SDK drop. Can you confirm you can still reproduce it with our latest SDK and that on which platform it occurs ?


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

could you give me the URL of the latest SDK ?

I think you are right... it's probably the problem !



Former Community Member

Just go to afcs.acrobat.com i.e. our dev portal and with your credentials log in and click on download SDK and you should be good.

After that get the latest swc and run your app with it.


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Forget the 16 dec. 2009.... I can't see the version of the .swf but I have and I had the latest version of it.



Former Community Member


I create a simple caht applcation and i want add audiosubscriber mic but when i add by flash bulider is dosent appear in platform

Could please someone explain the way to add audiosubscriber in chat applcation.




Can you explain what you are expecting to see? The audio subscriber is a non visual component. It just plays the audio it receives.

I suggest you try one of the sample applications that comes with sdk and see how audio publisher / audio subscriber work.

Sent from my iPhone


Former Community Member

For example i found a code in adob website that to add audip publisher and other code to add audio subscriber

here the code audio subscriber

     <collaboration:AudioPublisher id="audioPub"/>
      <mx:Button label="Audio" toggle="true" id="audioButt"
     click="(audioButt.selected) ? audioPub.publish() : audioPub.stop()"/>
here is code of audio publisher

        <collaboration:AudioPublisher id="audioPub"/>
         <mx:Button label="Audio" toggle="true" id="audioButt"
    click="(audioButt.selected) ? audioPub.publish() : audioPub.stop()"/>

when i add code in flash bulider give error so what i ask if have any other way to add audio publisher / audio subscriber
in platform to me can talk to user and he talk to me also i can lisen user and he can listen me.


Former Community Member

Hi Jannaahmed

First, a bit of forum etiquette : You've got a habit of posting non-related

questions to existing posts. Please start a new post for new questions - it

helps keep the forum organized.

Have you discovered the sampleApps folder in the SDK yet? There are

examples included for your original question.


PS - if you hit errors, you might want to mention what they say.