I would like to hide the + and trashcan buttons in the table on an adaptive form. I want to add a button at the bottom of the table that says 'Save and Add Row'. How can this be achieved?
This seems like it's possible to do...
this link : https://help.adobe.com/en_US/AEMForms/6.1/DesignerHelp/WS92d06802c76abadb-5ec05741129b8b006dd-7fec.2...
seems to show it being done, but in an older version of AEM... I'm on 6.5.5
this also seems to show it being done if you scroll about 2/3 of the way down: https://github.com/AdobeDocs/experience-manager-65.en/blob/master/help/forms/using/adaptive-forms-ta...
to the 'Merge data in a table {#merge-data-in-a-table}' section.
I just see no indication of how this is achieved.