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How to extend LCES foundation (provided) components?


Level 4

Hi All,

Is there way to extend the functionality of the components provided by LCES2.5?

I would like to write a component that is based on the some foundation component with all the features as is but with extra additional custom

function(s) / capability.



3 Replies


Level 10

I don't think you can just extend an existing one. You can create a new component that calls an existing one and add a few more properties to it.



Level 4

Hi Jasmin,

I am not clear how to add more property by calling  existing  component. Can you point me to an example that explain your idea 'You can create a new component that calls an existing one and add a few more properties to it.'?

Thanks lot,



Level 10

Ultimately what you need to do is write your own component.

In that component you can call one of the existing services we have and then do some modification to the result before passing the result to your component.

That might or might not help you.
