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Hiding and UnHiding using Search Condition


Level 2

HI All,

     I want to be able to hide all pages of the pdf document but keep my first page always visible. This page would have a one button. The user click on the button one javascript popup should come. In this popup i will be having some list(select) boxes, once i select some values and click on 'ok' button in popup window. It should do u filter on rest of all pages which are hidden and the pages which are satisfied the filter condition those pages should be visible. Is this possible? If possible please suggest me how can be do this.

Thanks in advance,

Prasad Sagala


13 Replies


Level 10


It is possible! Acrobat offers the ability to javascript for dialogue boxes. However I have not done this from scratch.

I use a product call AcroDialog from Windjack Solutions. http://www.windjack.com/products/acrodialogs.html

With this you can easily create dialogue boxes and then based on user input you can affect the visibility of form pages.

Good luck,



Level 2

Hi Niall,

Thanks for reply...... i got exactly what i want. I need one more help is u have attached one pdf document. I need exactly same functionality but i will have multiple page selections. Can u please tell me how did u do the Hiding and UnHiding pages in your attached pdf. Did u use windjack for this?

And I forgot to ask, Can we put one button or link on top of each result page to go back to main(search) page.

Advance Thanks

Prasad Sagala



Level 2

Hi Niall,

Thanks for reply...... i got exactly what i want. I need one more help is u have attached one pdf document. I need exactly same functionality but i will have multiple page selections. Can u please tell me how did u do the Hiding and UnHiding pages in your attached pdf. Did u use windjack for this?

And I forgot to ask, Can we put one button or link on top of each result page to go back to main(search) page.

Advance Thanks

Prasad Sagala



Level 10


Yes, I used AcroDialog from Windjack Solutions. They have a 15 day trial of the AcroDialog software.

If you look at the click event of the button on the master page you will see the script from AcroDialog. This is specific to this dialogue window. Now if you scroll down to the very end you will see the script controlling the presence of the pages depending on which choice the user made in the dialogue window:

JSADMDlg1.strpop1 = "";

if("ok" == JSADMDlg1.DoDialog())


if (JSADMDlg1.strpop1 == "Page 1")


page1.presence = "visible";

page2.presence = "hidden";

page3.presence = "hidden";

xfa.host.currentPage = 1;


else if (JSADMDlg1.strpop1 == "Page 2")


page1.presence = "hidden";

page2.presence = "visible";

page3.presence = "hidden";

xfa.host.currentPage = 1;


else if (JSADMDlg1.strpop1 == "Page 3")


page1.presence = "hidden";

page2.presence = "hidden";

page3.presence = "visible";

xfa.host.currentPage = 1;


//console.println("pop1:" + JSADMDlg1.strpop1);


Using AcroDialog, you can develop your own dialogue window with how ever many choice you need and then script to change the form based on those choices.
In relation to the button on each page to bring you back to the start, a standard button on the second master page (Page2) with the following javascript in the click event will bring you back to the first page (page numbers are zero based):
xfa.host.currentPage = 0;
I hope that helps,


Level 2

Hi Niall,

Thanks for your reply, i am facing a problem by using page1.presence = "hidden"; . This was hidding page text content not a page.

I am doing same functionality as same in attached pdf in first reply. I created a pdf document using Adobe LifeCycle Designer and having 4 pages in that pdf. In master page1 docReady function wrote default hidden for 3 pages. The problem here is what ever contains in master page(button) is getting all in 4 pages and page data is hidden. Here i need to show the master page data in 1st page only and rest all pages should be hidden. I will do all filter in 1st page only. Can you please tell me where i was wrong?

I am also attaching the pdf file which i did.

Advance Thanks,

Prasad Sagala


Level 10


Well done! I would not have been able to script a dialogue from scratch.

The main issue with the form was that it was saved as a static PDF. Showing and hiding pages is a dynamic feature that requires the file to be saved as dynamic.

Also in the docReady event the language should be javascript and you need to have one page visible so I commented out the first line.

I would recommend two master pages. If you look at the pagination tab for pages 2 to 4 I have set the place page on Page2 (master). If you are running with one Master Page then untick the max 1 occurrance on the Master Page 1.

Good luck,



Level 2

Thank You Niall, Now i got it where i did wrong...


Level 2

Hi Niall,

Can we have multiple selection list in popup dialog? How can we do multiple selection list.

Advance Thanks

Prasad Sagala


Level 10


The list box object in the modal dialog box does not appear to support multiple selections (normally holding Control). I don't know if you can force this, I have tried it here with AcroDialog, but no luck.

You could try some version of multipleSelection = true;, but I am not sure where it would fit in the dialog script. Also your if statements would need a bit of work for multiple responses.

Sorry I could not be of more help,



Level 2

Hi Niall,

Thanks for ur reply.... I have one doubt regarding converting static pdf file to dynamic xml form pdf.

I have one pdf report generated in some application or tool. I need to apply search feature to that static pdf (hidding and unhidding), for this i opened that static pdf file in LifeCycle Designer and i trying to save as pdf to dyamic xml form (.pdf). But it is not showing the dynamic xml form pdf. How to convert this static pdf to dynamic xml form pdf for implementing hidding and unhidding?

Please correct me where i am wrong.

Advance Thanks,

Prasad Sagala


Level 10

Hi Prasad,

I saw your other post, so hopefully someone will be able to come up with a solution.

I suspect that when you opened the PDF in LC, you selected the "Interactive with fixed pages" option. This will preserve the layout but you can only save this as static.

If you open the PDF in LC as "Interactive with flowable layout", you will be able to save as dynamic, but it is very likely that the layout of the original PDF will be altered (messed up). Showing and hiding pages needs the dynamic PDF save.

I don't think you will have much joy working in Acrobat (AcroForms) either.

Hope you get a solution,



Level 2

Hi Naill,

I have selected the "Create a Ineractive Form with a Flowable Layout" only, but i did not get that dynamic xml form (pdf) option in my save.

I observed that in my generated pdf document has PDF Version : 1.3 (Right Click the pdf document and Goto PDF Tab)

If we create a pdf in LC it has PDF Version : 1.7, this is the reason i found why it is not comming.

For this just downloaded a PDF Version Converter http://www.nicepdf.com/. This was converting from 1.3 to 1.7 version, but the problem

here is my static generated pdf has charts and image logos. Now i opened the converted statit generated pdf (1.7 version) in LC this is not show all my logos and chart images when i completed save in dynamic xml form (.pdf).

Can you tell me is there any alternate to get all my PDF Data(image logos , charts and some ART images)?

Thanks in Advance ,

Prasad Sagala


Level 10

Hi Prasad,

OK, if you have the full version of Adobe Acrobat, then I would recommend that you print your existing PDF using the Adobe PDF print driver. But edit the printer properties and change the compability to Version 8.0 (PDF 1.7).

Then try and re-import the PDF into LC.

If that does not work, then the next solution would depend on the number of pages in the existing PDF.

Open the existing PDF in Acrobat. Export the pages in the existing PDF to JPEG images (File menu in Acrobat). Set up a new LC form and insert the required number of pages. Then on each page use an image object and embed each page JPEG file. This is not great if there are a lot of pages or if the original PDF will be updated regurarly.

Hope that helps,
