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Hide / show a master page field, on specific pages accessing by the pagename


Former Community Member


i have a field in the masterpage that i need to hide on some particular pages of a pdf form.

the scope is to hide the field called "phone" in an empty pages named "BlankPage"

this is my PDF structure:

- form1

     - (Master Pages)

          - MASTER (with the field that i need nto hide: "phone")

     - Page1

     - BlankPage1

     - Page2

     - BlankPage2

     - ...

in the MSF1701.#pageSet[0].MASTER::ready:layout i put something like this but i was unable to make it works:

if (xfa.layout.subform.name == "BlankPage") {

      xfa.resolveNode("phone").presence = "invisible";


else {

      xfa.resolveNode("phone").presence = "visible";


.. i need this kind of solution, please don't tell me to copy "phone" field on every page and calculate the value from the master page


1 Reply


Level 10


Why not place it on Page1 and Page2. You can set the binding of the phone object to Global, so that when any instance of phone has a value, it will automatically be displayed in all instances of phone. No script required.

Also using the layout:ready event will have a hit on performance, as this event fires EVERYTIME an object changes anywhere on the form. I don't think you will be able to get the page name that the page that is displayed (as the object is on the Master Page); however you can get the instance number of the Master Page. So if you really want to go for script on the Master Page then this in the layout:ready event of the phone object should work:

if (this.parent.index == 0 || this.parent.index == 2) {

     this.presence = "visible";


else {

     this.presence = "invisible";


As I say, I would not use the script solution.

Hope that helps,
