Greetings, XFA scripters.
How do I get started with XFA scripting? Every JavaScript book I have looked at applies to web scripting. Where did you XFA scripters learn your JavaScript?
I am the self-taught type, so please don't recommend classes. I'm just looking for resources to learn XFA scripting. Thank you.
Paul - are you there?
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I know where you are coming from. I am not a coder and have picked by way through this for three years. What we have learnt is that there are significant differences between "core" Javascript; Acrobat (Acroform) Javascript; and LC Designer Javascript. We tend to stick with Javascript unless we are dealing with dates or time, for which we revert to Formcalc. For what its worth here are my top tips:
I am sure when the world spins around others will chip in with suggestions.
Good luck,
Ah. Very nice of you, Niall. Thank you very much.
Others reading this post - Please share how you learned XFA scripting. Anything at all that you can share about your first steps into XFA scripting would be appreciated.
Thanks again, Niall. :-)
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Hi Lakov,
I would add the following reference material to Niall's list:
XFA scripting Adobe XML Form Object Model Reference
AcroJS Acrobat JavaScript Scripting Reference
You can use both XFA scripting and AcroJS in XFA forms (forms built using LiveCycle Designer). You can do most things with both APIs, but XFA scripting is always my first choice. Occasionally, you will find something that can only be done in AcroJS, for instance setting a timeout with 'setTimeOut'.
For someone new to JavaScript, there is not much of the core JavaScript language that is needed. Basic constructs, including 'var', 'if', 'for' and 'function' will take you a long way. This can be picked up in any introductory JavaScript book or web reference. Where you will need to spend a little more time is learning the Adobe specific constructs, such as SOM expressions and events.
Ben Walsh
I've been learning mostly by looking at examples and asking questions. I used to do some coding a long time ago which helps.
I have gone through some Javascript tutorials and while they are all to do with websites the underlying structure is mostly the same. There are lots of free ones available on the web.
The examples that come with Livecycle are pretty good. And I'll second JP Terry's Book - it's got great examples. And I picked up a copy of PDF Forms Using Acrobat and LiveCycle Designer by Ted Padova and Angie Akamoto which has some useful stuff in it.
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Thank you, Ben and Jono.
The resources provided by the three replies should keep me busy for some time.
Thank you all.
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Niall, Ben and Jono,
Nine months after initially contemplating the topic, and now that I have had some good practice with the UI, I feel ready for XFA proper. I have just revisited your replies and want to thank you again.
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Iakov; glad I have been able to help.
I still feel that I am a beginner, and there are many around here who continually open my eyes to what can be done.
Especially Bruce! Who seems to have un-ending knowledge when it comes to Javascript and xml.
I used to do some coding many years ago, but it's all new to me now and have trouble wrapping my head around it sometimes.
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