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Help with Date Field Value


Level 2

I have only used livecycle for a few months, so sorry if this questions seems basic, just beyond my knowledge at the moment.

I need a little assistance with a date issue I am having on one of my forms.

I have the display pattern of a date field set to --    date{MM/DD/YYYY}

The issue I am having is some users are entering the date using the  " - "symbol instead.

Example  01-01-2000

and other are using the correct  01/01/00 format with the " / " as the divider.

This is causing calculations in the next field to fail because the date it formatted incorrectly.

How can I make the field convert the " - " to the the correct symbol of " / " and still allow others to use the " / " as they are now.


1 Reply


Level 2

I was able to figure it out using the edit pattern page