Hi, I hope someone can help me. I created a form (dynamic pdf) with Livecycle ES 8.2.
This document has a table in which rows are added when the user clicks on a button.
The document in design stage takes up no more than 1/2 an A4. Here are my two problems;
1. When the document is opened in Reader (9.3) it is all formatted correctly accept the one row, in it's default state (which can be added to by clicking button) is now three rows????
2. Whether the two extra rows are deleted or filled in or whether more rows are added and filled in, if the document is saved and opened again with reader it has grown to a full page (of empty default rows). If saved again, it grows to 4 pages and so on.
Can somebody please help me. I can supply a copy of my file if necessary.
I don't know if this makes a difference, but the document is protected with a password to open in Livecycle and it also has user rights assigned for the user to be able to save a copy on their local machine (not just allowed to fill out and print).
My email is braddbuckley@gmail.com
Would appreciate any help that can be offered. My document is ready (accept for this issue) for me to use in my job.