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Help implementing codelist in my form


Level 1


I'm quite new to LiveCycle and hoping for some help or ideas with a problem I currently have!

I am currently creating a form into which I need to include a mechanism for the classification of disease & health related problems.

What I would like is somehow for the user to be able to use the form to determine the right disease based on the current WHO ICD10 Standard. Found here: ICD-10 Version:2015

I managed to download the dataset and there are  approx 12000 options down to the 4th level of the hierarchy (that's as far as I need to go). I would like very much to help the user as much as possible and allow them to have a progressive way to find the right code & description.

The other issue i may face is that i cant be sure the end user will have an internet connection, is there a realistic option to allow this to be used offline?

Any help would be very much appreciated!


1 Reply


Level 10

Hi Phil,

If you can find an XML version of the data then you can add it to the form directly.  I found a file that looks like this data here ftp://ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Publications/ICD10CM/2015/ it is a ZIP file and contains a file called FY15_Tabular.xml.

With an XML file you can copy and paste under the xfa:datasets element of your form, you will have to use the XML Source view in LiveCycle Designer.  From there the form can reference all the elements as needed, without a connection to the internet.

I did start playing with a sample, https://sites.google.com/site/livecycledesignercookbooks/home/ICD10.pdf?attredirects=0&d=1 But I don't really understand the structure of the data.  I could understand the first level, but not sure about the linkage to the second level.  I also copied the whole XML file into the form, which seems to contain a lot of stuff, so the form is now nearly 6Mb, hopefully you can remove some of it.  Also the top element was called <ICD10CM.tabular/>, it is fiddly working with element names that contain a full stop so the only change I made was changing the element name to <ICD10CM/>

Hope this helps
